Set up the integration between Learn365 and Go1


Integration between Learn365 and Go1 is available for customers with the Learn365 Professional subscription. It isn't available for customers with the Standard subscription. If you have a Standard subscription and want to benefit from Go1 integration, you can upgrade your subscription here.


You can integrate Go1 with Learn365 to import and feature Go1 courses in Learn365.

Importing Go1 courses into Learn365 enables you to view and manage Go1 courses in Learn365, side by side with other courses and training plans in your organization, via the Training Management page.


Integrate Learn365 with Go1

Required role: LMS admin.

1. As an LMS admin, go to the Learn365 Admin Center > Global Settings > LMS Configuration > Content365 > select Connect on the go1 tile.





If your subscription plan doesn't support integration between Learn365 and Go1, the Connect option will be disabled. In this case, you'll see a yellow banner at the top of the page, which will invite you to upgrade your subscription plan.




2. On the Go1 panel, select Connect.




There are two options. You can log in with your existing Go1 account or you can create a Go1 account that provides you with a Free subscription and a Complimentary Course Pack with 20 courses.



We advise you use an email account linked to your organization rather than a personal one. This approach will help to protect your organization if, for example, the user who originally set up the integration between Learn365 and Go1 leaves your organization.


3. To log in with your existing Go1 account, from the go1 login dialog, enter your Go1 login credentials then select Log in and connect. If you encounter issues when logging in to Go1, see this Go1 help article.



If you don't have a Go1 subscription but want to benefit from the Complimentary Course Pack, you can create a Go1 account that provides you with a Free subscription and a Complimentary Course Pack with twenty courses from Go1.

  • From the go1 login dialog, select Sign up. The Sign up to Go1 page opens.
  • Complete the form and select Sign up to create your Go1 account. If you encounter issues when logging in to Go1, see this Go1 help article.


Create Go1 account


Whether you log in using an existing Go1 account or you create a new one, you're asked to review and consent to permissions that enable Go1 to:

  • Access your account information.
  • Access and manage content.
  • Access and manage this portal.
  • Access and manage enrollments.
  • Access and manage user profile.

For information about the permissions requested by Go1, contact the Go1 Global Support Team.

4. If you consent to authorize access, select Authorize.



Once you've authorized access, the Go1 panel opens.

5. By default, imported Go1 courses are unpublished, which means you'll have to manually publish each one. To automatically publish Go1 courses once they're imported, toggle the Automatically publish imported courses option On. With this option enabled, imported courses are published as of today's date and the current time, but they aren't given an end date.

6. Choose how you want catalog admins to import Go1 courses into Learn365.

  • To import Go1 courses via the Learn365 content hub powered by Go1, toggle the Use Content hub option On.
  • To import Go1 courses via the Learn365 user interface, toggle the Use Content hub option Off.



If you had set up the integration between Learn365 and Go1 before the April 2, 2024 release, you'll need to disconnect from Go1 then reconnect (using the steps earlier in this section) before you can use the Learn365 content hub powered by Go1 effectively.


Catalog admins can now import and manage Go1 courses in Learn365.




Check the connection with Go1

To check the status of the connection with Go1, follow these steps:

As an LMS admin, go to the Learn365 Admin Center > Global Settings > LMS ConfigurationContent365.

The integration connection status is displayed on the go1 tile:

  • Connected - displayed in green text, this means that Learn365 is connected with Go1.
  • Connection error - displayed in red text, this means that an error is preventing Learn365 from connecting with Go1. For information about the error, select Manage
  • Connecting - displayed in grey text, this means that Learn365 is checking the connection with Go1.


Import Go1 courses into Learn365

Once the integration between Learn365 and Go1 is set up, catalog admins can import Go1 courses into Learn365.

Go1 courses are imported into Learn365 as e-learning courses. Up to 30 Go1 courses can be imported at a time.

The method of importing courses from Go1 is determined by the LMS admin when they set up the integration between Learn365 and Go1. There are two options:

  • Import Go1 courses via the Learn365 user interface.
  • Import Go1 courses via the Learn365 content hub powered by Go1. The Learn365 content hub powered by Go1 offers enhanced features when importing courses into Learn365.


Import Go1 courses via the Learn365 interface

Required role: catalog admin.

1. Go to the Learn365 Admin Center > Training Management > Import courses > Go1. The Import Go1 courses panel opens.

The opened Import Go1 courses panel displays all Go1 courses. The Title, Duration, and Language columns are displayed.


Import Go1 course



If your Go1 account has a Free subscription, only the Complimentary Course Pack with 20 courses is displayed on the Import Go1 courses panel.

If your Go1 account has a Paid subscription, all Go1 courses that are available for your subscription plan are displayed on the Import Go1 courses panel.


2. You can use the Search field to find a specific Go1 course. The search runs only on the course name (Title) field. Enter part of the course name then press Enter to see a list of Go1 courses that match the given search parameter.

3. You can sort the list of Go1 courses on the Import Go1 courses panel by Title or you can filter them by topic, duration, and tags:

The default view displays all Go1 courses that are available for your subscription plan.

Topics filter – allows filtering by the topics associated with the available Go1 courses. Multiple selections are possible.

Categories are used to help filter training in the catalog and are displayed on the course home page. When importing Go1 courses, topics in Go1 are converted to categories in Learn365. 

From the Topics drop-down, select the relevant topics and select Apply to apply the filter. Select Clear all to clear the applied filter. Alternatively, use the Select all checkbox to toggle the selection of all topics on and off.

When the filter is applied, the number of topic filters applied replaces Topics as the name of the filter drop-down.

Duration filter – allows filtering by the duration of the available Go1 courses: < 15 min, 15-30 min, 30-60 min, or > 60 min. Multiple selections are possible.

From the Duration drop-down, select the relevant durations and select Apply to apply the filter. Select Clear all to clear the applied filter. Alternatively, use the Select all checkbox to toggle the selection of all durations on and off.

When the filter is applied, the number of duration filters applied replaces Duration as the name of the filter drop-down.

Tags filter – allows filtering by the tags associated with the available Go1 courses. Multiple selections are possible.

From the Tags drop-down, select the relevant tags and select Apply to apply the filter. Select Clear all to clear the applied filter. Alternatively, use the Select all checkbox to toggle the selection of all tags on and off.

When the filter is applied, the number of tag filters applied replaces Tags as the name of the filter drop-down.

4. You can select the name of a course to view more information about it. You can import this course from here or import multiple courses from the Import Go1 courses panel.


Go1 course details


5. Select the X icon to close the panel.

6. On the Import Go1 courses panel, select the checkboxes of the Go1 courses you want to import. As mentioned, you can import up to 30 courses at a time. 

7. With the relevant Go1 courses selected, select Import to import the courses or Cancel to cancel the import. You can continue to use Learn365 while courses are being imported as a background task.



If you want to import more than 30 courses, repeat steps 6 and 7 until all the relevant courses are imported.


The time it takes to import courses depends partly on the number of courses you import. Notifications are displayed in the notifications feed when courses have been imported successfully, when there are no changes to sync, and when one or more courses fail to import. Select the bell icon on the Learn365 Admin Center toolbar to check notifications.

Imported courses are displayed on the Training Management page, side by side with other courses and training plans. The default publish status of imported Go1 courses is determined by the LMS admin when they configured the Go1 integration. Unpublished Go1 courses show the red cross icon Unpublished_course_icon.png in the Status column. The Category column displays the categories assigned to the course.

If one or more courses fail to import, view the relevant notification for more information.


Import Go1 courses via the Learn365 content hub powered by Go1


The Learn365 content hub powered by Go1 is launched in preview for customers with a Learn365 Professional or Select subscription. Customers will also need a Go1 subscription to use this feature.


Required role: catalog admin.

1. Go to the Learn365 Admin Center > Training Management > Import courses > Go1. The Import Go1 courses panel opens on the Home tab.

2. Select the Search tab.


Import Go1 courses in the Content Hub


3. Search for the relevant courses. For information about how to refine your search using filters, see this Go1 article.

4. You can select the name of a course to view more information about it.

5. Select the check box of each course you want to import then select the Add to Library icon.


Add the selected Go1 course to the library


6. Select the Library tab to see which courses are currently in your library, ready to be imported.



We recommend you have no more than 100 courses in your library before syncing.


Go1 content hub library


7. To sync the courses on the Library tab with Learn365, select Sync Library.

Any courses on the Library tab that have already been imported into Learn365 will be synced again if they remain in your library. We recommend you remove everything from your library after a sync and track what has been synced into Learn365 by organizing them into Playlists. You should wait until you see the sync completion notification before navigating away from the Library.

The time it takes to import courses depends partly on the number of courses you import. Notifications are displayed in the notifications feed when courses have been imported successfully, when there are no changes to sync, and when one or more courses fail to import. Select the bell icon on the Learn365 Admin Center toolbar to check notifications.

Imported courses are displayed on the Training Management page, side by side with other courses and training plans. The default publish status of imported Go1 courses is determined by the LMS admin when they configured the Go1 integration. Unpublished Go1 courses show the red cross icon Unpublished_course_icon.png in the Status column. The Category column displays the categories assigned to the course.

If one or more courses fail to import, view the relevant notification for more information.


Mapping Go1 course properties to Learn365

When Go1 courses are imported into Learn365, various Go1 course properties are mapped to Learn365 course properties.


Go1 field Learn365 field


Web Address


Short Description (without HTML formatting)

Long Description (with HTML formatting)

Topic Categories
Tags Tags
Course ID ID
Duration Duration (standard format)


The following actions are also completed when Go1 courses are imported:

  • The Go1 category is added to all imported courses.
  • The Go1 course image is displayed as the thumbnail image for the Learn365 course.
  • The banner image displays the default banner image for the course catalog.
  • Content packages are added to the Content section of the course.



Default settings for imported Go1 courses:

  • Learners and admins aren't assigned to courses.
  • Imported courses are set as unpublished but you can change this setting using the Automatically publish imported courses toggle in Learn365 Admin Center > Global Settings > LMS ConfigurationContent365 > select Manage on the go1 tile.
  • Imported content packages are set as required for course completion.
  • Special characters (e.g. " # % & * : < > ? \ / { | } ~ [ ] ` ' ^ and space) aren't supported in the web address of a course so they're replaced with an underscore during the import process. Special characters in the course title are retained.


Decommissioned Go1 courses

When Learn365 syncs with Go1, it also checks whether any of the previously imported courses have been decommissioned or marked for decommissioning.

In Learn365, the Decommissioned column (the LinkedIn_Learning_training_management_page_information_icon.png icon) is displayed on the Training Management page when at least one Go1 course in the list is decommissioned or marked for decommisioning. The LinkedIn_Learning_training_management_page_information_icon.png icon is also displayed next to the relevant training. The Decommissioned column is also displayed on the Content package storage page, for content packages that form part of a decommissioned course.

Decommissioned courses will remain available to learners and it's the responsibility of the course admin to choose whether they want to unpublish or delete them.


Prepare and publish imported courses

Required role: catalog admin or course admin.

Once you've imported the relevant Go1 courses, you can prepare and publish the new Learn365 e-learning courses in the usual way. You can also further configure courses that are set to automatically publish on import. More information about how to prepare e-learning courses in Learn365 for publishing is available in this article.


Go1 integration with the Learn365 Freemium subscription plan

  • Courses from the Complimentary Course Pack that you import from Go1 don't count towards the eight courses and training plans limit. However, enrollments in Go1 courses count towards the 100 monthly enrollment limit.
  • It isn't possible to add or delete learning items on the Content tab of the course configuration panel for the Complimentary Course Pack.
  • You can delete Go1 courses from a course catalog in the usual way.

For information about the features available in Learn365 paid subscriptions, see this article.


Disconnect from Go1

Required role: LMS admin.

Disconnecting from the service removes the link between Learn365 and Go1. Additionally:

  • Go1 courses can no longer be imported into Learn365.
  • The Import Go1 courses option on the Training Management page is no longer available.
  • While imported Go1 courses are still displayed on the Training Management page, learners receive an error message if they attempt to play a Go1 course.

When you disconnect, you see a confirmation message. When you confirm, the link between Learn365 and Go1 as a provider is removed.

1. Go to the Learn365 Admin Center > Global Settings > LMS ConfigurationContent365 > select Manage on the go1 tile.

2. On the Go1 panel, select Disconnect.

3. Confirm the action by selecting OK or select Cancel.


Use the Go1 portal to support integration between Learn365 and Go1

When you create a Go1 account, a Go1 portal site is created automatically. The URL of the portal is based on your company name.

You can optionally use the Go1 portal to support the integration between Learn365 and Go1.

You should import the relevant Go1 courses into Learn365 to ensure changes made on the Go1 portal filter through to Learn365.

For more information on the Go1 portal, visit the Go1 Help Center.


Periodic refresh of the Complimentary Course Pack

The Complimentary Course Pack will occasionally refresh. This means that course content might be updated, and courses might be added or deleted from the Complimentary Course Pack..

Courses that are removed from the Complimentary Course Pack will remain available for 30 days after the new courses become available for students, so that students can complete their outstanding course work.


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