The Training Management page of the Learn365 Admin Center provides an overview of all courses and training plans in the selected catalog, the ability to create or import training, and various training management options.
In this guide, we describe the Training Management page and its capabilities, including filtering and sorting options, the Waiting List, Request(s) for Sessions, Pending Approval, and Training Provisioning views, and the import of Go1 and LinkedIn Learning courses. From the Training Management page, the Course management and Training Plan Management panels can be reached, enabling access to the various training management options.
Overview of the Training Management page
Required role: catalog admin or course admin.
By default, the Training Management page of the Learn365 Admin Center opens:
- For catalog admins with an overview of all courses and training plans in the current course catalog. Here, catalog admins can access all training management options, including create, import, and manage training, and filter and sort the information on the page.
- For course admins with an overview of their own courses and training plans. Here, course admins have limited access to training management options, including manage training, and filter and sort the information on the page.
The Training Management page enables catalog admins to create new courses and training plans, import courses from Go1 and LinkedIn Learning, and see all the courses and training plans in the current catalog.
Catalog admins will see a warning banner notification on the Training Management page in the Learn365 Admin Center for the catalog that is approaching, or has reached, the limit. For more information on training limit notifications, see this article.
The icons next to courses and training plans indicate the training type:
- (a monitor icon) is shown for e-learning courses, and courses imported from Go1 and LinkedIn Learning.
- (a person in front of the monitor) is shown for instructor-led courses.
- (a folder icon) is shown for training plans.
Information is presented in the following columns:
Title. Displays the title of the course or training plan.
Training is set to 'do not show' in course catalog'. Shows whether the course or training plan is set visible (no icon displayed ) or hidden (the eye icon) for users in the catalog. You can use this column for sorting and you can filter its content. The visibility of a course or training plan is controlled by the Show in Course Catalog option in the Settings section of the training configuration panel.
Course/Training Plan progress. Select the bar chart icon next to a course or training plan to open its progress panel.
Enrolled. Displays the number of users who are currently enrolled in the course or training plan.
Completed. Displays the number of users who have completed the course or training plan.
Overdue. Displays the number of users who haven't completed the course or training plan up to the due date or have completed it after the due date came.
- Status. Displays the current status of the course or training plan. The status can be:
- Published. The training is published and current.
- Unpublished. The training isn't published.
- Planned. The training is published, and its start date is in the future.
- Category. Displays the assigned categories for the course or training plan. You can use this column for sorting and you can filter its content.
- The source of the imported content package (the cloud icon). This column is displayed only if Go1 and/or LinkedIn Learning integration is set up and courses have been imported from the source into Learn365. The source of the imported content package for imported courses can be identified by the relevant brand icon.
Average rating (the asterisk icon). Displays the average rating of the course or training plan (to one decimal place), based on all received ratings that aren't hidden. Hidden ratings aren't included in the calculation here but they're included in the total number of ratings provided for the course or training plan. You can sort the information on the page using this column.
- Number of users who marked this course or training plan as a favorite (the heart icon). Displays the number of learners who currently have this course or training plan marked as a favorite. This number is also displayed if you hover over a number (Current favorites), as is the number of learners who have ever marked this course or training plan as a favorite (All time). You can sort the information on the page using this column.
Selecting a course or training plan opens the Course management or Training Plan Management panel respectively, which enables you to choose from the available management options.
Create training
The Create training option enables catalog admins to create courses and training plans. Once created, catalog admins and users assigned as course admins can manage it from the Training Management page.
For more information, see the following articles:
- How to create, manage and delete e-learning courses.
- How to create, manage and delete instructor-led training.
- How to create, manage and delete training plans.
Import Go1 courses
Learn365 enables the integration of Go1 with Learn365 to import and feature Go1 courses in Learn365.
Go1 courses imported into Learn365 are treated as e-learning courses, have the same icon as e-learning courses, and are managed the same way via the Course management panel.
Find more information about how to set up the integration between Learn365 and Go1, and how to import courses from Go1, in this article.
Import LinkedIn Learning courses
Learn365 enables the integration of LinkedIn Learning with Learn365 to import and feature LinkedIn Learning courses in Learn365.
LinkedIn Learning courses imported into Learn365 are treated as e-learning courses, have the same icon as e-learning courses, and are managed the same way via the Course management panel.
Find more information about how to set up the integration between Learn365 and LinkedIn Learning, and how to import courses from LinkedIn Learning, in this article.
Sort, filter and search for training
You can sort and filter the information on the Training Management page, and search for the relevant training. Use a combination of filters and search text to quickly find the relevant training.
1. Select any column title (except for Status) to sort the information in alphabetical order (ascending A-Z or descending Z-A) or in numerical order (ascending or descending).
2. From the Select Filter drop-down, you can filter training by type, publishing status, sharing to Viva Learning, content from Go1, or content from Linkedin Learning. The default view displays all courses and training plans in the catalog, regardless of publishing status. If Go1 and/or LinkedIn Learning courses have been imported, you can filter these courses by selecting the relevant checkboxes. Any training plans that contain Go1 and/or LinkedIn Learning courses will also be displayed.
You can use a combination of filters to show, for example, courses of a certain type that have a specific publishing status. Catalog admins can additionally filter the view to show content shared with Viva Learning. Course admins see only the courses and training plans for which they're an admin.
The following filter parameters are available:
Select all. Selects all the available filters. You can deselect the checkbox of any filters you don't want to apply. To reset the filter, deselect the Select all checkbox.
Training Type. Filter by training type: e-Learning, Instructor-Led Training, or Training Plan. Multiple selection is allowed.
Publishing Status. Filter by the current publishing status. Multiple selection is allowed.
- Published. Displays only published courses and training plans.
- Unpublished. Displays only unpublished courses and training plans.
- Scheduled. Displays planned courses and training plans (training has a start date in the future).
- Ended. Displays courses and training plans that have an end date in the past.
- Other. Allows filtering of courses and training plans:
- That are marked as being shared with Viva Learning. When this filter is set, the display of courses and training plans is determined by the Show in Viva Learning option in the Settings section of the training configuration panel. Two filtering options are available: In Viva Learning and Not in Viva Learning.
- That were imported from Go1 by selecting the Content from Go1 checkbox. Any training plans that contain Go1 courses will also be displayed.
- That were imported from LinkedIn Learning by selecting the Content from LinkedIn Learning checkbox. Any training plans that contain LinkedIn Learning courses will also be displayed.
To ensure the view accurately reflects which training is shared with Viva Learning, as well as selecting the In Viva Learning checkbox, you should also select the Published filter in the Publishing Status section. If you don't select this additional filter, the view will include unpublished, scheduled, and ended training, as well as training that has a target audience set.
3. Filtering by visibility in the column heading enables you to select which courses and training plans are displayed: all, shown in catalog, or not shown in catalog.
4. Filtering by category enables you to display courses and training plans depending on their category. Multiple selection is allowed. You can Select all (at the top of the list) or No Category (at the bottom of the list).
5. Enter all or part of the title of course or training plan, of the name of a category, search for the relevant training. As you enter the search string, you'll see only the training that matches the search parameters.
Waiting List
Select Waiting List to display courses for which users are on a waiting list. The number of users added to the waiting list is shown next to the course title.
Waiting lists are available for instructor-led training courses only.
To manage the waiting list of the course, its sessions, and its session groups, select the relevant course to open its Course management panel, then select Waiting List.
The Waiting List panel opens, where you can register users for the requested session groups or standalone sessions, or remove them from the waiting list. The Waiting List panel differs depending on the enrollment type.
Single group or standalone session enrollment type
For courses of the Single group or standalone session enrollment type, the Waiting List panel shows the following information:
1. The All course sessions drop-down list. The default value is All course sessions, which shows all waiting list requests from users for all sessions and session groups of the course.
From the drop-down list, you can select a session or session group to show users from the waiting list for that session or session group.
2. The following columns:
Name. Displays the names of users who requested enrollment in the course, its session, or session group.
Date and time. Shows the date and time of the user's request.
Course session. Shows the date and time of the session for which the user is on the waiting list. If the title was provided, the title of the session or session group will be displayed instead.
To manage waiting list requests:
1. Select the relevant user. The Actions panel opens.
2. Check the session or session group for which the user chose to register. You can select another session or session group from the Selected Session to Enroll drop-down.
3. Select the relevant action:
Enroll User in Selected Session. Register the user for the selected session or session group.
If there are no available seats, a message will inform you that the session or session group is full and you'll need to confirm registration.
- Remove User from Waiting List. Remove the user from the waiting list of the session or session group.
All groups and standalone sessions enrollment type
For courses of the All groups and standalone sessions enrollment type, the Waiting List panel shows two columns:
Name. The name of the user who submitted a request to enroll in the course and register for all of its available sessions and session groups.
Date and time. When the user's request was submitted.
To manage waiting list requests:
1. Select the relevant user. The Actions panel opens.
2. Select the relevant action:
Enroll User in Course. Enroll the user in the course and register them for all available sessions and session groups.
If there are no available seats, a message will inform you that the course is full and you'll need to confirm course enrollment and registration for all available sessions and session groups.
- Remove User from Waiting List. Remove the user from the waiting list of the course.
Multiple groups or standalone session enrollment type
For courses of the Multiple groups or standalone sessions enrollment type, the Waiting List panel shows three columns:
Name. The name of the user who submitted a request to register for standalone sessions and session groups.
Date and time. When the user's request was submitted.
Course sessions. Shows the List of Sessions link, with the number of standalone sessions and session groups for which the user is on the waiting list displayed in brackets.
Select the List of Sessions link to see the sessions, their start and end dates, time zone, and location. Expand a session group to see information about its sessions.
To manage waiting list requests:
1. Select the relevant user. The Actions panel opens.
2. Select the relevant action:
Enroll User in Course. Register the user for the selected standalone sessions and session groups.
If there are no available seats in any of the standalone sessions and session groups, a message will inform you that the sessions or groups are full and you'll need to confirm registration.
- Remove User from Waiting List. Remove the user from the waiting lists of all standalone sessions and session groups of the course.
Request(s) for Sessions
The Request(s) for Sessions filter is shown on the Line Manager Dashboard for instructor-led training. Select this icon to show courses that have pending user requests, along with the number of requests.
When you select the filter, you will also see the number of enrollment requests next to the learner’s name.
To manage user requests:
1. Select the relevant course. The Course Management panel opens.
2. Select Request(s) for Sessions. The Request(s) for Sessions panel opens. Information is presented in the following columns:
Name. Displays the name of the user who sent the request.
Date and time. When the user's request was sent.
- Message. The message that the user sent.
3. Select the relevant requests. To select all the requests, select the checkbox next to the Name column heading. The Actions panel opens.
4. Select the required action:
Send Email Message. For more information about sending emails to users, see this article.
- Delete Request(s) for Sessions. The selected requests will be deleted. This action can't be undone.
Enrollment Requests
Select Enrollment Requests to show courses and training plans that have pending enrollment requests. The number of pending enrollment requests is shown on the filter.
Any courses and training plans that have pending enrollment requests are displayed with a red exclamation mark next to their title.
To view training enrollment requests, select the relevant course or training plan to open its management panel, then select Approve Enrollments. The Approve Enrollments panel opens.
For more information about pending enrollment requests, and how to approve or reject them, see this article.
Select the Failed Provisioning filter to show courses and training plans for which provisioning has failed.
Any courses and training plans that are currently being provisioned are displayed with a spinning wheel icon next to their title. Select the spinning wheel icon to show the current provisioning status, the date the provisioning started, the current operation, and the progress indicated as a percentage.
Review attendance
Select the Review attendance filter to show instructor-led training courses that contain sessions requiring attendance review. This filter will be displayed only when there are courses that contain sessions of a course that require attendance review for at least one participant. The number of courses with such sessions is shown on the label.
For information about automatic attendance registration based on Teams participation information, see this article.
Management panels
To manage courses and training plans, course and catalog admins select the relevant course or training plan on the Training Management page to open the Course management panel or the Training Plan Management panel respectively.
For more information about the actions available from the Course management panel:
- See this article about how to create, edit, and delete e-learning courses.
- See this article about how to create, edit, and delete instructor-led training courses.
For more information about the actions available from the Training Plan Management panel, see this article about how to create, manage, and delete training plans.
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