Work with learning modules


Learn365 learning modules enable you to add documents, videos, SCORM/AICC packages, and other content to courses, and to organize this content into a selection of learning modules that split the training into sequenced learning steps.

In this guide, we go through what types of content can be added to learning modules, explain how to add this content, work with it, and how to delete learning items from learning modules.

Find information about how to create learning modules in this article.


Supported types of files

Learn365 supports the upload and use of the following file types (the use of these file types depends on codes and the browser that is used):

  • .doc
  • .docx
  • .xls – automatically downloaded due to limitations of Excel Viewer;
  • .xlsx
  • .ppt
  • .pptx
  • .pdf
  • .png
  • .jpg
  • .jpeg
  • .bmp
  • .svg
  • .gif
  • .mp4
  • .avi, .mpg (mpeg-1 and mpeg-2) – can be downloaded by selecting the appropriate link
  • .mp3
  • .wav – played in Chrome (if it is a PCM file but is not played in IE)

A link to the original file is provided for all media files available to the end user.



  • Video files and documents can be added to courses via learning modules only.
  • Users can't watch .flv video files directly from Learn365. To watch .flv files, users must download them first.


SharePoint Learning Module Documents storage

Documents used in learning modules are stored in a Learning Module Documents library at the root of the course catalog, with a separate folder created for each course. This document library folder is automatically generated by Learn365 in SharePoint when you create the first learning module in the catalog and add files to it in the Document library.

For information on how to add files to SharePoint, see this Microsoft documentation.

SharePoint Learning Module Documents can be accessed:

  • From the course home page, catalog home page, or from My Training Dashboard via SharePoint Settings > Site contents. The opened Learning Module Documents page contains separate folders for each course that has at least one learning module with a file included.
  • It can also be accessed via the learning module editor > Document library > Go to Learning Module Documents





For courses and training plans created as a subsite before the January 2022 release, files used in learning modules are stored in a separate document library on the site of the course. This document library was automatically generated by Learn365 when you created the first learning module with a file included. The library is named Learning Module Documents and can be accessed via the course page Settings > Site contents > Contents. We do not recommend deleting the files from the Learning Module Documents as well as the Learning Module Documents itself because the content of the learning module will be lost in this case.


Learning module editor

When you start to create a learning module, the learning module editor is presented. Here, you provide a Name and Description for the learning module in the Details section, and the relevant content from the Content types section.

A rich text editor is available for the Description field, using which you can insert media, images, or files from your local computer. You can expand the text field by selecting the Fullscreen icon in the rich text editor. This gives you more space when you're working with the text. For customers with a Learn365 Professional or Select subscription, the rich text editor includes the spell check, accessibility checker, and PowerPaste features.




By default, the Details section is expanded, but you can collapse it to get a better view of the content.

The following actions can be performed from the Content types section:

To add content to your learning module, you can either select Add next to the relevant item in the Content types section, or drag the relevant item into the content list, below the Details section. Both of these actions will open the relevant panel, where you can manage the content.


adding content


Once the content is added, it'll be displayed in the content list.




Content editor

Select Content editor to open corresponding panel, where you can create text-based course content. The rich-text editor enables you to edit text, font, text layout, lists, links, images, and media content.

For customers with a Learn365 Professional or Select subscription, the rich text editor includes the spell check, accessibility checker, and PowerPaste features.

To add content via the rich-text editor:

1. In the required Name field, specify the title for the item. 

2. Add content to the required Content field. 

Expand the editor to full-screen mode using the Full screen toggle icon under More, if necessary.

You can add documents, media content, embed code, and links to files and websites. For information about how to add video content, see this article.

3. After you've made the relevant changes, you can:

  • Select Save to save changes and stay in course configuration mode, enabling you to make further changes.
  • Select Save and close to save changes and close the course configuration panel.

Save is disabled if the Name and Content fields are empty.




Embed code

Using this option, you can add links to third-party content, including Microsoft Stream, Microsoft Sway, Microsoft Forms, YouTube, video items, etc.

For detailed information on how to add video content to learning modules, see this article.


To insert multimedia and other embed code:

1. Specify the title in the required Name field for the item.

2. Paste the embed code of the resource in the required Embed Code field. A Preview of the item becomes available.

3. Select Save to add the item to the learning module or Cancel to discard it.



  • If you add a SharePoint page to the learning module via this option, learners may encounter an issue when accessing the page from the Learn365 app in Microsoft Teams. 





This option enables you to configure the type of confirmation and confirmation messages that ask learners to confirm that they have read and understood the information presented in a learning module. This is particularly helpful when tracking whether learners have successfully completed courses for compliance.

Typically, this item is added after all other content in a learning module. In other cases, you may add this item after a particular content item to ensure the learner is aware of its importance.


To add a confirmation message:

1. Complete the title in the required Name field for the message.

2. Complete the Confirmation Message text.

3. Complete the Message next to checkbox field. Use the Message next to checkbox field to create the text you want the learner to agree to.

4. Select the required Type of Confirmation.

  • Simple checkbox enables learners to select a check box to confirm they have read and understood the message.

  • Authorization asks learners to enter their credentials to confirm they have read and understood the message.

5. Select Save to add the item to the learning module or Cancel to discard it.


Document library

In the Document library of the learning module, you can create new documents, upload files, or select files that have already been uploaded to the Document library to then add them to the learning module.

Documents used in learning modules are stored in a SharePoint Learning Module Documents library at the root of the course catalog, with a separate folder created for each course. This document library folder is automatically generated by Learn365 in SharePoint when you create the first learning module in the catalog. To view the file location in SharePoint, select Go to Learning Module Documents on the Document library panel.

Depending on the way a file is added, the file size limit differs.

For detailed information on how to add video content to learning modules, see this article.


Files can be uploaded to the Document library and added to a learning module as follows:

  • Drag and drop the file.

  • Via Upload Document.

  • Select a file from those that have been uploaded to the Document library.

  • Add files via Go to Learning Module Documents.

  • Create a file and add it to the learning module.

Drag and drop a file

To upload a file to a learning module:

1. Drag a file on your device and drop it into the opened Document library panel.




On the Document library panel, the uploaded file is displayed on the Documents tab and automatically selected to be added to the learning module. The Document library panel opens automatically on the Selected tab.

This file is also automatically added to the folder associated with this course in the SharePoint Learning Module Documents library. To view the file location in SharePoint, select Go to Learning Module Documents.


2. Select Save to add the selected files to the learning module. The added files will be shown in the content list of the learning module editor.



Selecting Remove (the red cross icon) on the content list of the learning module editor will remove the file from the learning module but will keep the file in the folder associated with this course in the SharePoint Learning Module Documents library.

Selecting Delete (the bin icon) on the Document library panel will remove the file from the course and from the folder in the SharePoint Learning Module Documents library.


Via Upload Document 

This option enables you to upload files from your device, up to 1 GB in size.

1. On the opened Document library panel, select Upload Document.




2. Select the relevant file from your local device and confirm your selection.

On the Document library page, the uploaded file is displayed on the Documents tab and is automatically selected to be added to the learning module. This file is also automatically added to the folder associated with this course in the SharePoint Learning Module Documents library. To view the file location in SharePoint, select Go To Learning Module Documents.

3. Select Save to add the selected files to the learning module.



Selecting Remove (the red cross icon) on the content list of the learning module editor will remove the file from the learning module but will keep the file in the folder associated with this course in the SharePoint Learning Module Documents library.

Selecting Delete (the bin icon) on the Document library panel will remove the file from the course and from the SharePoint Learning Module Documents library.


Select the file from the Document library files

The files displayed on the Document library panel have already been added to the folder associated with this course in the SharePoint Learning Module Documents library but haven't been added to the course yet. 

To add a file to the a learning module:

1. On the opened Document Library panel, select the relevant file.




2. Select Save.

The added file will be shown on the content list of the learning module.



Selecting Remove (the red cross icon) on the content list of the learning module editor will remove the file from the learning module but will keep the file in the folder associated with this course in the SharePoint Learning Module Documents library.

Selecting Delete (the bin icon) on the Document library panel will remove the file from the course and from the SharePoint Learning Module Documents library.


Add files via Go to Learning Module Documents 

With this option, you'll upload a file to a folder associated with this course in the SharePoint Learning Module Documents library, then add it to the course.

Here, you can upload files from your device, up to 250 GB in size.

1. On the opened Document Library panel, select Go to Learning Module Documents. The SharePoint document library opens in a new window, showing any previously uploaded files for the course.




2. From the Upload drop-down menu, select Files. Select one or more files from your device and confirm the action. The uploaded files are added to the folder for this course in the SharePoint Learning Module Documents library.

For more information on how to add files to SharePoint, see this Microsoft documentation.

3. Return to the learning module editor and select Document Library on the left-side menu to refresh the panel. The Document library panel will display the recently uploaded files.

4. Select the files to add them to the learning module and confirm with Save.



Selecting Remove (the red cross icon) on the content list of the learning module editor will remove the file from the learning module but will keep the file in the folder associated with this course in the SharePoint Learning Module Documents library.

Selecting Delete (the bin icon) on the Document library panel will remove the file from the course and from the SharePoint Learning Module Documents library.


Create a file and add it to the learning module

1. On the opened Document library panel, select the relevant file type from the Create New drop-down list: Word Document, Excel Workbook, or PowerPoint Presentation. 




2. Create a document in the new window.

The file is automatically added to the Document tab of of the Document library panel and to the SharePoint Learning Module Documents library. You can return to the learning module editor select Document Library on the left-side menu to refresh the panel. The Document library panel will display the recently uploaded files.

3. Select the newly added file to add it to the learning module and confirm with Save.



Selecting Remove (the red cross icon) on the content list of the learning module editor will remove the file from the learning module but will keep it in the folder associated with this course in the SharePoint Learning Module Documents library. 

Selecting Delete (the bin icon) on the Document library panel will remove the file from the course and from the SharePoint Learning Module Documents library.



To add existing quizzes to the learning module:

1. Use Quiz to open the list of quizzes you can add to the learning module.

2. Select one or more quizzes. Any previously selected quizzes can be deselected to remove them from the learning module.

Use the Search field to find the relevant quizzes. The search runs on quiz names and the names of quiz creators. In the Selected tab, only the selected quizzes are displayed.

3. Select Save to add the selected quizzes to the learning module and remove the deselected quizzes. Cancel to discard the changes.



A quiz that's added to a learning module becomes part of the course, and this is indicated on the Content tab of the course management panel as a separate, hidden item that isn't shown to learners on the course home page. Removing a quiz from a learning module has a number of impacts. For more information on these impacts, see this section of the article.


Content package

This section gives a summary of the process for selecting or uploading content packages to a learning module. For more information on import and management of content packages in Learn365, see this article.


Upload content packages

You can include content packages in learning modules: either use content packages that are already uploaded or upload new ones.



  • To ensure content packages are displayed correctly in Microsoft Teams, contact the content package vendor to verify the content package compatibility with the Microsoft Teams app. For more detailed information, see this article.

  • We don't recommend uploading content packages of a greater size than 1 GB.


To upload a new content package:

  • Drag it into the Drag your file here to upload it area at the bottom of the screen.

  • Select Upload Content Package and select the required zip file. 




The time it takes to upload the package depends on the size of the file and your connection speed. A progress bar is displayed while the package uploads. If you want to cancel the uploading process, select Cancel

Complete the form to add a new content package. Complete the required fields and configure general and advanced settings, if necessary. For more detailed information, see this article.



A content package that's added to a learning module becomes part of the course, and this is indicated on the Content tab of the course management panel as a separate, hidden item that isn't shown to learners on the course home page. Removing a content package from a learning module has a number of impacts. For more information on these impacts, see this section of the article.


Add content packages from the Content package storage

To add content packages to the current learning module:

1. Select Content package in the learning module editor. 

2. On the opened Content package panel, select the checkboxes of the content packages that you want to add to the learning module. The content packages displayed in the Name column are those that have already been uploaded to the Content package storage.

Content packages that are already added to the learning module and those that are selected to be added have a blue checkmark next to the title.

You can sort the content packages using any of the columns: by name, the user who modified it, whether the content package is added to a course (the Added to course column), or the version of the package.

You can also filter the list to display certain types of content packages and search for a content package using the Search field. The search runs on the content package name and the user who last modified it.




3. Select Save to add the selected packages to the learning module. To discard, select Cancel.

Content packages added to the learning module are displayed as separate items and can be removed from the learning module using the red cross icon. To remove content packages from the learning module, select Content package from the left-side menu of the learning module editor, deselect the relevant ones, and Save your changes.



A content package that has been added to a learning module becomes part of the course, and this is indicated on the Content tab of the course management panel as a separate, hidden item that isn't shown to learners on the course home page. Removing a quiz from a learning module has a number of impacts. For more information on these impacts, see this section of the article.


Website link

This section describes how to add links to external websites and URLs. 

For detailed information on how to add video content to learning modules, see this article.


To add links or URLs to external websites:

1. Go to the learning module editor > Website link.

2. Specify the name of the website that learners will see on the course home page and in the Learn365 player.

3. Paste the link to the Link field.

4. Select the Size of the browser the website will open in and choose whether you want the link to open in a separate browser tab. The Size drop-down defaults to Small (560x315).

When the Open in a new tab toggle is On, the Size menu can't be configured.




5. Select Save to add the link to the learning module or Cancel to discard the action.


Link to file

Selecting Link to file enables you to add links of internal documents and files from SharePoint Online to the learning module.

To do this, follow the steps:

1. On the SharePoint site, select the Settings icon, and in the opened menu, select Site contents.



2. On the opened page, select the folder where the required file is stored. Select the required file and select the vertical ellipse icon. In the opened menu, select Details.




For courses created before the January 2022 release of Learn365, we strongly recommend that you avoid linking to a document library by copying its browser URL to the Link to file option because the document library is created at the course catalog root. Linking directly to it gives access to all the files in the course catalog.

Instead, you should follow the steps to get the direct path to the relevant file in the document library or add/upload this file to a course using the corresponding learning module editor options. As an alternative approach, you can create a sub-folder for each course and training plan inside the document library and configure permissions for each of them.


3. In the panel on the right-hand side, scroll down to the Path. Select the Copy icon to copy the direct link to this document.



4. In the learning module editor, select Link to file.

5. Specify the Name of the document or the file and paste the copied link to Link.

6. Select Save to add the item to the learning module. Select Cancel to discard the action.

The type of document (.doc, .docx, .ppt, .jpg, .jpeg, etc.) is detected automatically and shows the relevant icon for it. 


External app

You can integrate external apps that support the LTI standard into your Learn365 solution.

To add an external app to a learning module:

1. In the learning module editor, select External app

2. On the opened External App panel, select one or more external apps from the list. Use the Search field to find the relevant one.

If there are no listed apps, select Add external app to add one.

To view only the selected apps, open the Selected tab.

3. Select Save to add the app to the learning module. Select Cancel to cancel the action.



An external link that's added to a learning module becomes part of the course, and this is indicated on the Content tab of the course management panel as a separate, hidden item that isn't shown to learners on the course home page. Removing an external app from a learning module has a number of impacts. For more information on these impacts, see this section of the article.


Microsoft 365 assets


The Microsoft 365 assets option is released in preview, meaning that after the September 2023 release, you have to enable it under New features in the Global settings of the Learn365 Admin Center to try the feature out.

This is one of the ways in which you can add files to a learning module. The Microsoft 365 assets panel lists the files:

  • That you've recently accessed in your organization's Microsoft 365 assets libraries in SharePoint.
  • That have been added to the learning module of this course via the Document library option in the learning module editor.
  • That are either your personal files or files that are shared with you.


Learn365 guest users and Microsoft 365 unlicensed users will see the Microsoft 365 assets panel but won't see any files because these users aren't authorized to access them.


Filtering and search

To find the files that you plan to add to the learning module, use the filters and/or the search box on the Microsoft 365 assets panel.

The Search field runs on the file name, owner, and location.

The following filters can be applied on the Microsoft 365 assets panel:

  • From the Type drop-down list, select the checkboxes of the relevant file types.
  • In the Owner filter, select the checkboxes of the relevant file owners. Selecting Shared with me automatically selects in the drop-down list all the owners of the files that have been shared with you. To narrow down the search, you can clear the checkboxes of any file owners. You can use the Search field in the filter to enter a first name or last name.
  • In the Location drop-down list, select the checkboxes of the relevant file locations. You can use the Search field in the filter to enter the name of a location.


Each column can be sorted by selecting its heading.

In the columns, you can find the following information:

  • In the Name column, you'll see the names of all the files that are available to you. Select a file to open a new page, where this file will be opened, or download the file to your device. The action that's carried out depends on the file type and the browser.
  • In the Opened column, you'll see the date the file was last modified.
  • The Location column displays the location of the file. Select the location link to open the exact location of the file in the assets libraries. If you hover over the link, you'll see more information about the file location. 


Access to the file and file details

To get more information about each file and check who has access to it, select the Details icon details_icon.png of the relevant file.

On the opened Details panel, you can track the following information:

  • Under Users with access, you can track all groups and users who have access to this file. Select the relevant user or group icon to see information about its members. If you need to manage file access, select the location link of the relevant file.
  • Under Properties, you'll see information about the file, such as its name, type, the date and time it was last modified, its size, and the exact path to the file.



To add a file to the learning module, follow the steps:

1. From the Content types panel of the learning module editor, select Microsoft 365 assets to open the Microsoft 365 assets panel.

2. Select the files you want to add to the learning module. Files that have selected checkboxes indicate they've already been added to the learning module, via either the Microsoft 365 assets or the Document library option.

3. Select Save to complete the action. To cancel the action, select Cancel.

The added file will be shown on the content list of the learning module.

Selecting Remove (the red cross icon) on the content list of the learning module editor will remove the file from the learning module but will keep the file in the Microsoft 365 assets library.


Employ a central file for several courses

The same file can be used in several courses. For example, the HR team might publish general company guidelines that should be included in more than one course.

This can be achieved in the following ways:

  • Add the central file to each relevant learning module

Here, you'd store the file in a central place that can be accessed across departments. When configuring a course, this file can be accessed by a course admin, who would upload it to the relevant learning modules. This method enables course admins to quickly make the file part of a course. However, once the file is uploaded to the course, it doesn't sync with the centrally placed file. If HR makes changes to this file, the changes won't be reflected in the file that was added to the course. Therefore, this approach can involve manual maintenance or require the configuration of a custom solution.

For more information about how to add files to SharePoint, see this Microsoft documentation.

For detailed information about how to add video content to learning modules, see this article.

  • Use the file URL to add the same file to all relevant learning modules

Here, you'd store the file in a central place that can be accessed across departments. When configuring a course, an admin can employ the Link to file option in the learning module editor to include the file in a course using a file link. This method ensures that the file shown in the course is always up to date because the course doesn't store a new version of the file locally. Course admins should ensure that the permissions for the course are similar to the permissions for the file, otherwise, some learners might not have the necessary permissions to view the file and will be blocked from viewing the course content .

Find Microsoft recommendations for setting up file storage and sharing here.

For detailed information about how to add video content to learning modules, see this article.


Delete and remove items from a learning module

Items included in a learning module can be removed or deleted from a learning module in multiple ways.


From the Content panel of the learning module editor

On the content list of the learning module editor, items have either the Remove (red cross) icon or the Delete (bin) icon.


The Remove action (red cross icon) 

Items with the Remove (red cross) icon:

  • Document library items
  • Quizzes
  • Content packages
  • External apps.
  • Items added via Microsoft 365 assets (the option in preview)




When quizzes, content packages, and external apps are part of a learning module, you'll find them displayed on the Content tab of the course configuration panel as separate hidden learning items, with the gray closed eye icon. Document library items and items that are added via Microsoft 365 assets aren't displayed on the Content tab of the course management panel when they're included in the learning module.

Learners will access all these learning items in the Learn365 player as part of a learning module.




When you select the Remove (red cross) icon for these items:

  • No confirmation of the action will be required.
  • The Document library files will be removed from the learning module but will be kept in the SharePoint Learning Module Documents library in the folder associated with this course. The removed file won't be displayed in the course management panel and learners won't see this file in the Learn365 player. To remove this file from the learning module and from the Learning Module Documents library folder in SharePoint, go to the Document library of the learning module and select Delete (the bin icon) for this file.


If the files added via Document library are grayed out and unavailable, it means that this file has already been deleted from the SharePoint Learning Module library. Selecting the Remove icon will delete this file from the learning module and the course.


  • The files added via Microsoft 365 assets (the option in preview) will be removed from the learning module but will be listed on the Microsoft 365 assets panel. Removed files won't be displayed in the course management panel and learners won't see this file in the Learn365 player.


If the files added via Microsoft 365 assets (the option in preview) are grayed out and unavailable, it means they're no longer available in the Microsoft assets libraries. Selecting the Remove icon will delete this file from the learning module and the course.


  • Quizzes, content packages, and external apps will be removed from the learning module but remain part of the course as a separate learning items outside of the learning module, and will be listed on the Content tab of the course management panel. Learners will be able to see this learning item in the Learn365 player and take it as part of a course. To avoid such a situation, fully remove this item from the course:
  1. Go to the Content tab of the course management panel and select this item.
  2. From the opened Actions panel, select Remove Content Package from Course.


item_ins't available.png


The Delete action (bin icon)

Items with the Delete (bin) icon:

  • Content editor items
  • Embed code (files, video files, third-party content, etc.)
  • Confirmation
  • Website link
  • Link to file.

When these items are part of a learning module, learners will access them in the Learn365 player as part of a learning module. You can delete these items from where they were added: the learning module editor.




When you select the Delete (bin) icon for these items:

  • Confirmation of the action will be required.
  • The item will be deleted from the learning module and from the course. Learners won't see the deleted learning item in the Learn365 player.


From the Document library

All the files that were added to the learning module via Document library can also be deleted from this area.

Selecting Delete (the bin icon) on the Document library panel will remove the file from the learning module, from the course, and from the SharePoint Learning Module Documents library folder associated with this course.




From the course configuration panel

When quizzes, content packages, and external apps are part of a learning module, you'll find them displayed on the Content tab of the course configuration panel as separate hidden learning items, with the gray closed eye icon. Only these learning items that are added to the learning module can be deleted or removed from the course in this area and from the learning module editor. All other learning module items are deleted or removed from the relevant learning module editor.

Deleting this item from the Content tab of the course configuration panel doesn't fully delete it from the course. As a result:

  • The item will still be listed on the content list of the learning module as a grayed out, unavailable item.
  • Learners will see this item in the Learn365 player listed as an unavailable learning item, as shown in the following image.




To delete quizzes, content packages, and external apps from the learning module and the course, follow these steps:

1. On the Content tab of the course configuration panel, select the relevant item in the learning module.

2. From the opened Actions panel, select:

  • Remove quiz from course for the quiz.
  • Delete external app for the external app.
  • Remove content package from course for the content package.




As a result, the item will no longer be displayed on the Content tab of the course configuration panel, but it'll still be displayed for learners in the Learn365 player as an unavailable learning item.

3. To completely delete the item from the learning module and course, select the learning module of which this item was a part and select Edit learning module.

4. From the content list of the learning module editor, select the Remove icon of the unavailable item.


As a result, the item is completely removed from the learning module and from the course. Learners will no longer see it in the Learn365 player.


From the SharePoint Learning Module Documents library

Documents used in learning modules are stored in a Learning Module Documents library at the root of the course catalog, with a separate folder created for each course. This document library folder is automatically generated by Learn365 in SharePoint when you create the first learning module in the catalog and add files to it in the Document library. All the added files can be deleted from the relevant folder in the Learning Module Documents library.




If you delete a file that forms part of a learning module from a folder in the SharePoint Learning Module Documents library, this won't fully delete the item from the course. As a result:

  • The item will still be shown on the content list of the learning module editor as a grayed out, unavailable item.
  • Learners will still see this item in the Learn365 player, listed as an unavailable learning item, as shown in the following image.




To delete this item from the learning module and from the course, follow these steps:

1. After you've deleted the item from the SharePoint Learning Module Documents library, go to the learning module editor in which this item formed a part.

2. On the content list of the learning module editor, select the Remove icon of the relevant grayed out, unavailable item.

As a result, the learning item is deleted from the learning module, course, and the SharePoint Learning Module Documents library. Learners will no longer see this item in the Learn365 player.


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