Learn365 release notes



Welcome to the Learn365 release notes. This article contains information about the Learn365 features, enhancements, and fixes, for releases starting in January 2023. We've moved information for earlier releases to the release notes archive.


February 2025

Learn365 hotfix | February 5, 2025

Updates and enhancements


We've introduced several minor UI enhancements to assessments in the Learn365 course player.


Resolved issues

Files uploaded to assessments can now be downloaded by learners from the course player, by line managers from the Line Manager Dashboard, or by supervisors from the Assessments section of either My Training Dashboard or Line Manager Dashboard. Previously, it wasn't possible to download files associated with assessments.


Import Tool (v.IT- | February 4, 2025

For certified partners only, the Import Tool version IT- is available now.

You can download the latest version of the Import Tool here (log in to the Zensai Help Center to access it).


Learn365 (v.3.57) | February 3, 2025

New features and capabilities

Action needed: Migration from the SharePoint Add-In model to Microsoft Entra ID (Azure Active Directory) authentication


This is an important announcement about a task that Microsoft 365 global admins must complete by Wednesday, April 30, 2025 to ensure admins can continue to use Learn365 from Thursday, May 1, 2025.

Microsoft has announced the retirement of SharePoint Add-In and ACS so to ensure continued use of Learn365 from May 1, 2025 onwards, we're following Microsoft's recommendation by moving to the Microsoft Entra ID (Azure Active Directory) authentication for SharePoint model.

  • For organizations where Learn365 was installed before October 14, 2024, the Microsoft 365 global admin must migrate from the SharePoint Add-In model to the Microsoft Entra ID (Azure Active Directory) authentication for SharePoint model by Wednesday, April 30, 2025.
  • For organizations where Learn365 installed on or after October 14, 2024, no further action is required because you already use Microsoft Entra ID (Azure Active Directory) authentication for SharePoint.

With this release, we provide a migration tool, which is available from a notification banner at the top of the Learn365 Admin Center. We strongly advise you to run the migration at the earliest opportunity. This is to ensure that, in the unlikely event you encounter any issues or errors during the migration, they can be resolved by April 30, 2025.

Notification banners will be displayed at the top of the Learn365 Admin Center for Microsoft 365 global admins, LMS admins, catalog admins, course admins, and instructors at all affected organizations. The banners will continue to be displayed until the migration is completed successfully. The notification banner displayed depends on your role:

  • For the Microsoft 365 global admin only, the notification banner provides some background information, and invites you to grant consent and run the migration.
  • For LMS admins, catalog admins, course admins, and instructors, the notification banner provides some background information, and invites them to contact their Microsoft 365 global admin to ask them to run the migration.

For more information about Microsoft's retirement of SharePoint Add-In and Azure Access Control Services (ACS), see this article.

For step-by-step instructions on how Microsoft 365 global admins run the migration, see this article.


OpenSesame integration

It's now possible to import courses from the OpenSesame online education platform into Learn365. This feature is available to customers with Freemium, Professional and Select subscriptions.

For more information, see this article.



LMS admins can now bulk create Flow365 user accounts from the Learn365 Admin Center > All catalogs > Users by importing a .csv file. For more information, see this article.

LMS admins can now customize the content and format of the notification emails received by newly created Flow365 users. For more information, see this article. For more information, see this article.

It’s now possible to assign a line manager to a Flow365 user while creating or editing the user in the Learn365 Admin Center > All catalogs > Users.


AI assistance with training recommendations

AI-driven assistance is now available to learners on My Training Dashboard. Learners enter a learning goal, then AI will find matching training and create a personalized training recommendation list.

For more information, see this article.



It's now possible to make it mandatory for learners to upload a file to support their assessments. To do this, course admins set the Require file upload toggle to On while creating or editing assessments on the course configuration panel.

Learners can add comments, upload assessment files, and send them for review inside the course player. The following file formats are currently supported: .avi, .bmp, .csv, .doc, .docx, .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, .mov, .mp4, .pdf .png, .xls .xlsx.

Supervisors can review assessments, upload files, and add comments as required via My Training Dashboard > Assessments. If the supervisor is also the learner's line manager, they can also do this via the Line Manager Dashboard > select a learner > Assessments - pending review.

For more information, see this article.


Updates and enhancements

Audit trail

The list of events in audit trail records is enriched with events related to Flow365 and Learn365 users.

The audit trail event Learner skill level was purged is renamed Learner skill was purged.

  • For more information about the events recorded in the audit trail report, see this article.
  • For more information about running the audit trail report, see this article.


API management

We've implemented new Skills endpoints that will eventually replace the corresponding Competency endpoints. You can continue to use the legacy Competency endpoints until we deprecate them as part of the Learn365 (v.3.64) release, which is currently scheduled for Monday, August 18, 2025.

We advise you to start planning for the deprecation of the Competency endpoints and migrating to the new Skills endpoints. This is to ensure that, if you encounter any issues or errors, they can be resolved by the time we deprecate the endpoints.

The following table shows the mapping between the new and legacy endpoint sections.


 New endpoints  Legacy endpoints
 Skills  Competencies
 SkillCategories  CompetencyCategories
 SkillScaleSets  CompetencyScaleSets
 SkillTags  CompetencyTags
 UserSkills  UserCompetencies
 Target Skills  (none)
 UserSkillRequest  (none)


We've introduced the TargetSkills and UserSkillRequest endpoint sections. Using TargetSkills endpoints, you can get a list of target skill rules on the tenant via the API, as well as information about a single rule and a list of rules defined for specific learners. You can also create, update, and delete target skill rules via these endpoints.

The UserSkillRequest endpoints enable you to get a list of all skill requests for the currently signed-in user, as well as information about a single skill request for any user on the tenant.


To support the new option to make it mandatory for learners to upload a file to support their assessments, the boolean IsDocumentUploadRequired parameter has been added to the POST odata/v2/Assessments({Id}) API request body.



The subject of the Session registration request email notification template has changed from "Session registration for {NAME} for course '{COURSE TITLE}' is pending approval" to "Session registration for {NAME} for course '{COURSE TITLE}' is required".


My Training Dashboard

If a learner selects Play course for a course they've already completed, they will now be redirected to the first learning item of the course.


Resolved issues

If you select a language in the Learn365 Admin Center > Global Settings > Language Files > Course creator that isn’t marked with an asterisk (*) but is supported by SharePoint, you can provide your own translations for Learn365 product labels. Previously, the labels remained in English in some cases.

SharePoint links in training long descriptions open in a new browser window if you set this when creating or editing the training. Previously, the links opened in the same window in some cases.

If the name and URL of a course catalog are changed, you can reuse the previous name and URL in new course catalogs. Previously, the name and URL couldn’t be reused.


January 2025

Import Tool (v.IT- | January 30, 2025

For certified partners only, the Import Tool version IT- is available now.

You can download the latest version of the Import Tool here (log in to the Zensai Help Center to access it).


Learn365 hotfix | January 29, 2025

Resolved issues

Line managers can now approve their subordinates’ assessments. Previously, in some cases, the approval attempts weren’t registered. 

Saved custom code added via the Source code option on the Basic details tab of the course configuration panel is now retained.

[Teams] For SCORM packages that open in a new browser window, if learners can't access the content, they can now select a link in an on-screen message to open it.

[Teams] Users who are both a catalog admin and course admin now see all the catalogs for which they have the relevant permissions via the catalog selector on the Training Management page.


Learn365 hotfix | January 17, 2025

Resolved issues

Line managers can now approve their subordinates’ assessments. Previously, in some cases, the approval attempts weren’t registered.

Uploaded question pool assets (images, videos, or documents) remain in the storage after editing a question in a question pool. Before, in some cases, all previously uploaded assets were deleted from the question pool.


Mobile app (v.2.50.1) | January 10, 2025

New features and capabilities

Course session attendance

Selecting the new QR icon on the dashboard header opens the camera.

When learners scan a QR code, they’ll be marked present, or informed they're not enrolled in the course or registered for the session.

If the app is closed and a learner scans a QR code with a different camera, the signature screen opens if a signature is required. If a signature isn't required, the attendance marking status screen opens [#45863].

For more information, see this article.


Learn365 hotfix | January 9, 2025

Resolved issues

The Course retake is required notification is now triggered when you use the POST /odata/v2/Enrollments({Id})/Retake API request to force the retake of training. Previously, this notification was triggered only when a forced retake was initiated via the Learn365 Admin Center.


Learn365 (v.3.56) | January 8, 2025

Updates and enhancements

Microsoft Entra (Azure Active Directory) groups

It's now possible to see which learners are enrolled in training via a Microsoft Entra (Azure Active Directory) group. To do this, go to the training configuration panel > People > Learners > Enrolled Learners > select a group > View group members. On the new group members panel that opens, users are sorted by Name and displayed flat, regardless of the number of nested Microsoft Entra groups.

For more information about viewing Microsoft Entra (Azure Active Directory) group members in Learn365, see the following articles for each type of training:


Learn365 Admin Center

The default view of the Learner's Progress dashboard, accessible via the Users page and the Line Manager Dashboard, now displays all course and training plan progress for a learner. Previously, the default view showed only the courses and training plans in which the learner was currently enrolled. The view can be changed using the Is Enrolled filter on the dashboard.

  • For information on how to read the Learner's Progress dashboard and report that's accessible via the Users page, see this article.
  • For information on how to read the Learner's Progress dashboard and report on the Line Manager Dashboard, see this article.


Resolved issues

When merging Learn365 user accounts via the POST /odata/v2/Users('{LoginName}')/Merge API request, old accounts with favorited courses are now deleted.

Where a room has a long name, the training Location on the course card no longer goes outside the right-hand margin.


December 2024

Learn365 hotfix | December 19, 2024

Resolved issues

When you add embed code to a learning module, and leave the width as 100% and the height as 100%, these settings are respected when learners view the content in the Learn365 player. Previously, the content was displayed in a small box in the Learn365 player


Mobile app (v.2.49.3) | December 16, 2024

New features and capabilities


People with an active Flow365 user account can now access the Learn365 mobile app.


Learn365 hotfix | December 13, 2024

Resolved issues

Course assessments are now properly displayed as Completed across the Learn365 Admin Center when they're approved by the supervisor.

The progress summary charts on the Learner's Progress dashboard now correctly reflect the number of learners enrolled in the course. Previously, in some cases, any learners who were also course admins were still included in the calculations for the chart after they were unenrolled.

Learners now receive skill-related notifications when a catalog admin or line manager makes changes to the learner's skills via the Users page or the Line Manager Dashboard, respectively.

Line managers now receive the Course retake is required, Instructor-led training retake is required, and Training plan retake is required notifications when they're added as recipients of these notifications in the Learn365 Admin Center > Catalog settings > Notifications.

[Teams] When external content is embedded in a learning module, a link will now be available to open the content in the learner's browser. Note that the link won't be displayed if the content is embedded using a responsive option.


Learn365 (v.3.55) | December 9, 2024

New features and capabilities


LMS admins can now create Flow365 user accounts from the Users page in the Learn365 Admin Center without needing to send invitations and wait for users to accept them. Instead, Flow365 users will receive an email that contains a link and a temporary password, enabling them to log in. This new way requires fewer steps from Flow365 users, since they don’t need to verify their accounts to get started. For more information, see this article.

Flow365 users who sign in with their email address can now reset their password. For more information, see this article.


Enroll custom user groups in training

It's now possible to enroll custom user groups in training via the Learn365 API. Unlike Microsoft Entra groups, custom user groups can include users of any type, both Learn365 and Flow365.

The new Groups section has been introduced in the Learn365 API, enabling you to create and manage custom user groups. 

  • For more information about enrolling users in courses, see this article.
  • For more information about enrolling users in training plans, see this article.
  • For more information about creating or deleting a custom user group via API, see this article.
  • For more information about getting the ID of a custom user group, see this article.
  • For more information about adding users to or removing them from a custom user group, see this article.



Portuguese (Brazil) is now included in the languages supported by Learn365. For more information about the languages supported by Learn365, see this article.


Updates and enhancements

AI assistance

To help catalog admins validate AI-generated content, when creating a course or quiz with AI from an uploaded video, full information about the course or quiz is now included in the download file if the Download generated content as a separate file toggle is set to On. Previously, only content generated from text was included in the download file.

  • For more information about the download content feature when generating an e-learning course with AI, see this article.
  • For more information about the download content feature when generating a quiz with AI, see this article.


Subscription information

The Users block on the Subscription Plan tab in Global Settings > Subscription Information now displays the Consumed/Purchased field, which shows the current number of active users and the maximum number of users allowed per your subscription. Previously, this information was displayed in separate fields.

If you use Flow365, the Users block has two new fields:

  • Learn365 shows the current number of active Learn365 learners.
  • Flow365 shows the current number of active Flow365 users.

For more information, see this article.


Integration connectors

The Integration connectors panel in Global Settings > LMS Configuration has been replaced with three new top-level categories, along with redesigned tiles and panels:

  • Integrate365 is for HRIS and HCM integration.
  • Content365 is for LinkedIn Learning and Go1 integration.
  • Microsoft Viva is a standalone category for Viva Learning integration.

The behavior and functionality of the integration connectors stay the same.

For more information about Learn365 integrations, see this article.


Training settings

On the Settings tab of the training configuration panel, the number of days after completion radio button for the Set certificate expiry date, Set skill revocation, and Force retake settings is renamed minimum number of days after completion.

On the Settings tab of the training configuration panel when editing or creating training, the You can't choose a date in the past message is now displayed if, after selecting a fixed date option for Set certificate expiry date, Set skill revocation, or Force retake settings, a user chooses a date in the past then attempts to save the changes.


Resolved issues

If a course is marked as completed with a date in the past, and a certificate is issued on completion of the course, the certificate status now fully respects the Set certificate expiry date settings on the Settings tab of the training configuration panel. That is to say, the certificate status will be set to Expired if the number of days the certificate is intended to be valid has already passed.

The Course Progress dashboard now reverts to the default view if you use the Search field to find a learner, mark their progress as completed via Edit Progress, and remove their name from the Search field. Previously, in some cases, the dashboard didn't revert to the default view.

In some cases, the Go1 library didn't properly synchronize with Learn365. This issue has been resolved.

The Add to Library button is now displayed for all catalog admins when they try to add courses to the content hub library. Previously, in some cases, this button wasn't displayed.

A user's Microsoft Teams Language setting is now taken into account in the Learn365 Teams app when navigating to the Learn365 Admin Center > Training Management or the Line Manager Dashboard, if the language set in Microsoft Teams is different from the language selected in the user's operating system or browser settings. Previously, the Language setting in Microsoft Teams wasn't taken into account.

If the language set in Microsoft Teams is different from the language selected in the user's operating system or browser settings, a user's Microsoft Teams Language setting is now taken into account in the Learn365 Teams app when navigating to the Learn365 Admin Center > Training Management or the Line Manager Dashboard. Previously, the Language setting in Microsoft Teams wasn't taken into account.



November 2024

Learn365 hotfix | November 25, 2024

Resolved issues

[Teams] The Learn365 Admin Center link is now available to LMS admins. It redirects LMS admins to the Course catalog management page.

[Mobile] The Course Catalog page is now displayed properly when accessed via browsers on mobile devices.

In certain cases, learners couldn't access training content when enrolled via the Microsoft 365 group type using Microsoft Entra ID (Azure Active Directory).

The training report generated via Reports > Download reports > Training overview > select Training now displays CEUs earned only at training level.

In certain cases, changes made to users and groups in Microsoft Entra admin center (Azure Active Directory admin center) took longer than expected to reflect in Learn365.


Learn365 hotfix | November 14, 2024

Resolved issues

Users can now delete any certificates associated with previously imported training records, even when multiple certificates were awarded for the same imported course.

[Teams] The Learn365 Admin Center link is now available to course and catalog admins, and instructors.

[Mobile] Navigation from My team’s training status will display The Line Manager Dashboard is currently not supported on Mobile devices message.


Learn365 (v.3.54) | November 12, 2024

New features and capabilities


Instructor-led training, sessions, session groups, and waiting lists are now available to Flow365 users.

If passing a learning module requires user confirmation (that is to say, a course contains a Confirmation option), Flow365 users can now use their credentials to confirm they have read and understood the information presented.

Flow365 users can now sign out from the Training page by selecting Sign out in the top right-hand corner.


AI assistance

When catalog admins generate a course with AI by adding content from an uploaded video, it's now possible to choose whether to additionally generate learning content (such as course and learning plans, outcomes, learning module overviews, and so on) using the Generate learning content (preview) toggle. With this toggle turned On, generated content will be added to the course as learning modules. For more information, see this article.


Learn365 Admin Center guided tours

We've introduced some interactive guides that take catalog admins through key Learn365 features, such as setting up notifications, creating certificate templates, adding or inviting users, and creating your first e-learning course. Guides for other features will be introduced in future releases. These guides are available at catalog level in the Learn365 Admin Center by selecting Help > Guided tour. For more information, see this article.


Updates and enhancements

API management

The CreatedAt, CreatedBy, ModifiedAt, and ModifiedBy fields have been added to the RoleAssigments public API responses. For more information, see this article.


Forced retake

The forced retake rule will run even if the Forced retake option in the Settings section of the training configuration panel is set to a number of days after completion after a learner has completed the training, provided the learner is still enrolled, and the course or training plan is active.

Similarly, the rule will run if the Forced retake option in the Settings section of the training configuration panel is set to once certificate has expired after a learner's certificates have expired. For more information, see this article.


Learn365 Admin Center

The following changes are introduced to the learner's Progress panel on the Line Manager Dashboard and to the Learner's Progress dashboard:

  • The default view has changed to show courses and training plans in which the user is currently enrolled (that is to say, the filter on the Is Enrolled column is set to Yes when you open the page).
  • Cancelled and expired enrollments are no longer reflected in the summary charts or overdue calculations.
  • The Due Date is now displayed in red text only if the learner is enrolled in the course or training plan.

For more information about the learner's Progress panel on the Line Manager Dashboard, see this article. For more information about the Learner's Progress dashboard via the Users page, see this article.

On the Learner's Progress dashboard, the Total Training Completed label is renamed Total completions (includes historical and cancelled enrollments).

On the Course Progress dashboard, the Total learners who have completed the course is renamed Total learners who have ever completed the course.

On the Training Plan Progress dashboard, the Total learners who have completed the training plan is renamed Total learners who have ever completed the training plan.

These changes won't overwrite any label customizations or translations the LMS admin has made via the Learn365 Admin Center > Global Settings > Language Files.


Resolved issues

Line breaks are now added to short course descriptions in the Instructor-led training scheduled - appointment notification.

When importing learner records that are older than the most recent enrollments, the records are shown in the learner transcript. Previously, the records were missing in certain cases.

If Instructor-led training scheduled - appointment notifications are disabled at course level, learners don’t receive invitations. Previously, learners still got the invitations in certain cases.

After managing or deleting courses, the display order of courses in large training plans stays the same. Previously, the order was shuffled in specific cases. 


Learn365 hotfix | November 4, 2024

Resolved issues

It's now possible to upload images for hotspot quiz questions that include special characters such as Ä, Ö, and Ü in the filename.

When learners successfully complete an interrupted SCORM content package attempt, completion information is now recorded correctly in Learn365. In certain cases, previously the Unfortunately you have not passed message was displayed and the course was marked as Failed in Course progress.


October 2024

Learn365 hotfix | October 21, 2024

Resolved issues

You can now use the POST /odata/v2/Enrollments({Id})/Purge API request to purge active enrollments for imported training. For more information about this endpoint, see this article.

You’ll now need an API key for basic authorization or an LMS admin bearer token to use the $expand parameter in the GET /odata/v2/Users(‘{LoginName}’)/Subordinates() API request. For more information about authorization in the Learn365 API, see this article.


Import Tool (v.IT- | October 16, 2024

For certified partners only, the Import Tool version IT- is available now.

You can download the latest version of the Import Tool here (log in to the Zensai Help Center to access it).


Learn365 (v.3.53) | October 14, 2024

New features and capabilities


You can now revoke invitations to Flow365 users who have the Invite sent status. For more information, see this article.


You can now edit and delete Flow365 user accounts who have the Accepted status. For more information, see this article.


We've introduced the following endpoints in the Learn365 API to disable and enable Flow365 user accounts:

  • POST /services/users/Users/{id}/Enable and POST /services/users/Users/{id}/Disable allow you to enable or disable a particular Flow365 user account.
  • POST /services/users/Users/Enable and POST /services/users/Users/Disable allow you to enable or disable multiple Flow365 user accounts with one request.

If you disable a user account, they won't be able to sign in to the Training page until they are enabled again. For more information, see this article.


We've introduced the DELETE /services/users/Users/{id} endpoint in the Learn365 API to delete Flow365 user accounts. For more information, see this article.


AI assistance

When generating courses with AI, the new Include learning materials toggle enables catalog admins to generate learning materials based on the content of the Source text field. With this option switched on, when the course is generated, learning materials will be added to the Content section of the course configuration panel as learning modules. Learning materials will also be included in the download file, if the Download generated content as a separate file toggle is also set to On. For more information, see this article.


Updates and enhancements

AI assistance

When generating courses or quizzes with AI, the Download generated content as a separate file toggle replaces the Display generated content on a separate page toggle. Instead of reviewing and validating learning content immediately, admins can now review it at a convenient time, using the file created in the Downloads folder of the local device. All the information previously available from the AI Content Validation browser window will be available from the downloaded file. The original feature wasn't available via the Learn365 app in Teams (desktop or browser) but the enhanced one is.

  • For more information about the download content feature when generating a course with AI, see this article.
  • For more information about the download content feature when generating a quiz, see this article.


Target skills and skill gap

The target skills and skill gap features have been taken out of preview. For more information about target skills and skill gap features, see this article.


Target skill rules

The This target skill rule applies to all users toggle is renamed Global in the Learn365 Admin Center > Global Settings > Skills framework > Target skill rules > Add target skill rule.

When importing target skill rules, the Incorrect format error will be displayed in the Select target skill rules to import panel if the Global, Criteria, or Skills columns aren't properly defined in the .csv file.

For more information, see this article.


Skill notifications

Learners will no longer receive Skill revocation notifications if they acquire or are awarded the same skill at the same or higher level before the skill revocation date.

Learners will no longer receive Skill revocation reminder notifications if they acquire the same skill at the same or higher level before the earliest set day that the reminder is scheduled to be sent, as specified in the Skill revocation reminder template in Catalog settings > Notifications.

For more information, see this article.


Training duration report

In the Training duration report, the Course Duration (minutes) column is still taken from the Duration (standard formats) field in the Basic details section of the training configuration panel. However, the report now shows the course duration that was valid when the learner enrolled in the course. For more information, see this article.


API management

As well as having the ability to unenroll users, you can now use the POST /odata/v2/Courses({Id})/Unenroll endpoint in the Learn365 API to cancel user enrollments from deleted courses or training plans. For more information, see this article.


The SharePoint section of the Learn365 API is deprecated. Instead, the Assets section is introduced to store the endpoints for viewing and uploading assets from both the Microsoft SharePoint storage and the Azure Blob Storage. For more information, see this article.

Additionally, the following endpoints now support assets from both the Microsoft SharePoint storage and the Azure Blob Storage:

  • GET /odata/v2/CourseCatalog({Id})/SiteAssetsList()
  • GET /odata/v2/CourseCatalog({Id})/SiteAssetByName(filename=’(fileName)’)
  • GET /odata/v2/CourseCatalog({Id})/SiteAssetByNameAsStream(filename=’(fileName)’)

For information about the sections available in the Learn365 API, see this article.


As well as having the ability to purge data from Learn365 user accounts, you can now use the POST /odata/v2/Users(‘{LoginName}’)/Purge API request to purge data from Flow365 user accounts. For more information, see this article.


Human Resource Information System (HRIS) integration

If the integration between Learn365 and an HRIS is enabled, a user's First name, Last name, and Phone fields are now additionally synced. For more information, see this article.


Resolved issues

Answers submitted by learners are no longer marked as incorrect for gap fill questions where the correct answer contained quotation marks.

An error no longer occurs on GCCH tenants when setting up the integration between Learn365 and Go1 when the connection pointed to the wrong enterprise app.

An error no longer occurs when using the GET /odata/v2/Scorms({Id})/Download() endpoint in the Learn365 API to download content packages. The new getLink parameter can be used to return a download URL. Paste this URL into a web browser to download the SCORM package.

When attempting to copy several courses across catalogs at around the same time, if one course fails to copy, then all the courses that had successfully copied across at the same time remain in the catalog. Previously, all the courses were automatically purged in a certain case.

The performance of the odata/v2/Users?$expand=UserFieldValues endpoint may reduce, depending on the amount of data it has to process. To reduce the risk of experiencing performance issues when using this endpoint, you might consider using the following parameters:

  • &select - to retrieve only the specified columns.
  • &skip - to skip (exclude) the first n records.
  • &top - to retrieve only the specified number of items.

The Training progress report and the Learner progress report generated via the Learn365 Admin Center > Reports now show information only for active learner enrollments and only for a learner's most recent completion. 

An error no longer occurs when running reports that return a large amount of data. Instead, the reports will now generate but may take longer to do so.

Users who were unenrolled from a course are no longer included in the number in the Overdue column for the course on the Training Management panel. Previously, these users were included for a small number of customers.

The text format defined in notification templates is now used in email notifications. Previously, this didn't happen for a small number of customers.

When importing target skill rules, notification messages are now displayed at the appropriate stages of the process.

It's no longer possible to add duplicate categories to a skill.

If you try to add a skill level with the same name as an existing one, the error message is corrected to read "Skill levels must have unique names in a skill level set".


Learn365 hotfix | October 4, 2024

Resolved issues

When bulk enrolling users in a course, invalid email addresses and unrecognized users weren't highlighted in red in the Search for user(s) panel.


Learn365 hotfix | October 2, 2024

Resolved issues

Microsoft recently announced the planned retirement of SharePoint Add-In and Azure Access Control Services. For more information about these planned retirements, see this article.

To prepare for these planned retirements, the following solutions are deployed in this hotfix:

  • An error occurred when creating course catalogs on newly installed Learn365 tenants due to the recently-announced retirement of SharePoint Add-In in Microsoft 365. This issue is resolved.
  • We have enhanced the Learn365 authentication mechanism ahead of Microsoft's retirement of SharePoint Add-In and Azure Access Control Services.
  • Previously, the Microsoft 365 global admin or SharePoint admin could change the SharePoint site collection URL from within the SharePoint admin center. If the site was connected to a course catalog, then Learn365 would handle this URL change automatically. From now on, customers that want to change the URL of a site collection will need to change the URL in the SharePoint admin center, then the Microsoft 365 global admin or SharePoint admin will need to use the Learn365 API to update the URL in Learn365. For information about how to update the URL of a site collection via the Learn365 API, see this article.


When creating course sessions with a room for instructor-led training, the appointment wasn't displayed on the room's calendar.

[Teams] In a certain case, when editing a course, images added to quiz answers weren't displayed when the quiz was viewed in Teams.


September 2024

Learn365 hotfix | September 26, 2024

Resolved issues

External users encountered validation failure errors when attempting to log in to Learn365 on two different tenants using the same browser.

Certificates weren't displayed on the Learner's Progress dashboard for imported external courses.

When line managers rejected a learner's skill request, it wasn't possible to delete the related skill from the catalog, even though the skill had not been awarded to any learner, or used in any target skill rules or training.


Learn365 hotfix | September 23, 2024

Resolved issues

In a certain case, it wasn't possible to delete a skill that was used in a deleted target skill rule.

Customers with a Freemium subscription couldn't create courses with AI.

Some features inside courses designed with Adobe Captivate, such as images, audio, and video files, didn't load properly.

It wasn't possible to delete a skill that was used in a deleted target skill rule.


Learn365 (v.3.52) | September 16, 2024

New features and capabilities


Flow365 enables your front-line workers to consume training on the go, without having to purchase a Microsoft365 license. Front-line workers and deskless employees can use their own phones, laptops, or tablets, or a shared corporate device, to access training through Learn365.


The new /services/users/Invitations endpoint is introduced in the Learn365 API to view and manage invitations to Flow365 learners.

  • For information about how to get a list of pending Flow365 invitations via the API, see this article.
  • For information about how to send or delete invitations to Flow365 via the API, see this article.


AI assistance

To help catalog admins validate AI-generated content, when creating a course or quiz with AI by adding content from text, it's now possible to choose whether to show a page that displays full information about the course or quiz once it's generated using the Display generated content on a separate page toggle. 

  • For more information about how to show this information when creating a course, see this article.
  • For more information about how to show this information when creating a quiz, see this article.


When catalog admins generate a course with AI by adding content from text, it's now possible to choose whether to additionally generate learning content (such as course and learning plans, outcomes, learning module overviews, and so on) using the Generate learning content (preview) toggle. With this toggle turned On, generated content will be added to the course as learning modules. For more information, see this article.


API management

It's now possible to change a user's manager via the PUT /odata/v2/Users(‘{LoginName}’) request in the Learn365 API. For more information, see this article.


Updates and enhancements

Asset storage

We’ve changed how assets are stored. By assets, we mean any documents, videos, or images uploaded in the Learn365 Admin Center via the rich text editor, for example, in training or learning module descriptions.

From now on, new course and catalog assets will be stored in the Azure Blob Storage instead of the Microsoft SharePoint storage. Already uploaded assets will stay in the Microsoft SharePoint storage.

From now on, if you copy a course within the same catalog:

  • Catalog-level assets of the copied course will remain in the Microsoft SharePoint storage.
  • Course-level assets of the copied course will be moved to the Azure Blob Storage.

From now on, if you copy a course across catalogs, all assets in the copied course will now be stored in the Azure Blob Storage.

  • For more information about copying courses within the same catalog, see this article.
  • For more information about copying courses across catalogs, see this article.


Import target skill rules

LMS admins can now edit uploaded skills via the Edit target skill rule panel before importing them. For more information, see this article.


Certificate and notification templates

Catalog admins can now use a user's {firstname} and {lastname} variables in certificate and notification templates. For more information, see this article.


Purge enrollments

Catalog admins can now purge enrollments via the Course progress and Training Plan progress dashboards.

  • For more information about purging enrollments from the Course progress dashboard, see this article.
  • For more information about purging enrollments from the Training Plan progress dashboard, see this article.


Edit training due dates

Catalog admins can now edit course and training plan due dates from the Course progress and Training Plan progress dashboards, respectively. The Due Date column is added to the dashboard views.

  • For more information about editing due dates from the Course progress dashboard, see this article.
  • For more information about editing due dates from the Training Plan progress dashboard, see this article.


Manage learner certificates

Catalog and course admins can now download and delete certificates from one or more courses and training plans at a time from the following areas:

Also from these areas, catalog admins can now edit the certificate expiry date of one or more courses and training plans at a time.


API management

When getting information about enrollments via the Learn365 API, enrollment details now include the course duration. You can also update the course duration via the PATCH /odata/v2/Enrollments({Id}) request. For more information, see this article.


Audit trail

The list of events in audit trail records was enriched. For more information about events recorded in the audit trail report, see this article.


Course session attendance

If an instructor-led training course is unpublished, ended, or scheduled, only the course admins and session instructors will be shown as attendees in its session appointments in their calendars.

Learners who were previously enrolled in sessions of now unpublished instructor-led training courses will receive a session appointment cancellation notification, will no longer see the session appointments in their calendars, and won't receive any further notifications about course sessions.


Resolved issues

Learners registered for instructor-led training sessions were added to the rooms list in notification emails rather than the recipients list.

In certain cases, the numbers displayed in the Training plans section of the Training plans tab on the Reports page didn’t reflect learners’ actual registration statuses for each of the courses in the training plan.

In a certain case, an error occurred when viewing the photograph of a logged in user on the Leaderboard page in My Training Dashboard.

Only some of the subscription banner message was displayed at the top of the Integration connectors panel.

It was possible to give a catalog the same name as an existing one using the PATCH CourseCatalogs({Id)} request in the Learn365 API.

In a certain case, notifications that included the {COURSE DESC SHORT} variable caused a large gap between the header and information columns in the notification email.

An error occurred when trying to edit the name of an API key on the Edit API panel.

In the Learn365 API, after expanding the Course property from Enrollments and selecting to include the BannerImageUrl and ImageUrl fields, these fields were empty in the response.


Learn365 hotfix | September 4, 2024

Updates and enhancements

For the PUT odata/v2/Users/(‘LoginName’) and POST /odata/v2/Users('{LoginName}')/UpdateUserFieldValues API requests, any item in the UserFieldValues array now contains only two parameters: FieldId and Value.


Resolved issues

In certain cases, an error was displayed when running the POST /odata/v2/Assessments endpoint via the Learn365 API if the LoginName of any of the supervisors wasn't specified [#41342].

In certain cases, sending the PUT odata/v2/Users/(‘LoginName’) API request with the UserFieldValues array in its body led to an internal error [#39803].

When sending the PUT odata/v2/Users/(‘LoginName’) API request via Swagger and putting a hyphen into any string parameter, a validation error occurred [#40429].


August 2024

Learn365 hotfix | August 30, 2024

Resolved issues

In certain cases, learners received a reminder to retake training one day before its actual fixed force retake date [#41133].


Learn365 hotfix | August 26, 2024

Resolved issues

In certain cases, skills failed to import correctly if the .csv file contained skill and catalog name errors, and it wasn't possible to resolve the errors on the Select skills to import panel [#41086].


Learn365 (v.3.51) | August 21, 2024

New features and capabilities

AI usage notification

LMS admins and Microsoft 365 global admins can now configure who will receive email notifications when your organization's monthly AI usage is approaching its monthly request allowance via Global Settings > Subscription Information > Notifications tab [#39925].


Training duration report

Catalog admins can run the new Training duration report via the Reports page. This report shows the expected amount of time that learners will spend on training (as specified in the training settings) in the current catalog [#39224]. Learners can run the report via My Training Dashboard [#39226].

This report is also available via the API, using the GET /reports/trainingDuration/learnersTrainingTime request [#39222].


Import target skill rules

LMS admins can now import target skill rules via a .csv file. The uploaded information can be reviewed and corrected before importing [#30363].


Purge enrollments

Catalog admins can now purge enrollments via the Learner's Progress dashboard [#38540].


Edit certificate expiry dates

Catalog admins can now edit the expiry date of one or more certificates via the Course Progress dashboard [#37284].


Updates and enhancements

AI assistance

When generating content with AI assistance using the Insert text from file option, it's no longer possible to insert text from legacy Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files, that is to say files with .doc, .xls, and .ppt file extensions respectively [#40455].


API management

If the GET /odata/v2/Enrollments request has AllCourseSessions in the $expand field, its response now includes the AllCourseSessions array, which contains the IDs and titles of every session of the enrollment [#39842].



The text in the notification that admins receive when the Learn365 subscription is close to expiring is enriched [#40239].


Learn365 player

When a Learn365 session expires due to inactivity while a content package is open in another tab, the content package tab will automatically close to ensure accurate progress tracking. The learner will be notified on the Learn365 player tab to refresh the page to continue [#39554].


Training settings

On the Settings tab of the course and training plan configuration panels, the Due date and Certificate sections have been merged. The Due date, Certificate, and Skill toggles have been removed [#39510].


Import target skills

The Errors to resolve counter is removed from the bottom of the Select skills to import panel [#40345].


Global settings

The Save button will now be grayed out if no changes have been made in the Learn365 Admin Center > Global Settings > Subscription Information > Notifications.


Resolved issues

Users whose permissions have reduced from catalog admin to course admin could still see the Create course with AI button on the Training Management page [#40528].

For instructor-led training courses with the Single group or standalone session enrollment type, when learners were added as course admins, they were being removed from the Register Attendance panel for the relevant sessions [#40396].

In certain cases, admins experienced performance issues when editing courses via the Training Management page [#40236].

In certain cases, the course completion confirmation notification users received after being awarded a certificate via imported external training didn't include a link to the downloadable certificate [#40271].


Learn365 hotfix | August 9, 2024

Resolved issues

Where a training target audience was already defined and saved, any changes to the target audience weren’t being saved [#40323].


July 2024

Learn365 hotfix | July 25, 2024

Resolved issues

With SCORM 1.2 only, completing a SCORM content package didn’t change its percentage score if a maximum score hadn’t been sent by the SCORM package [#39923].

Sending the PUT /odata/v2/Users('{LoginName}' API request with the UserFieldValues array in its body led to a 500 internal server error [#39803].

The AI usage section in the left-hand navigation panel of the Learn365 Admin Center and in Global Settings was displayed even if AI-powered features were disabled [#40064].

In certain cases, the No courses found message was displayed on the catalog home page instead of a list of courses [#40150].


Learn365 (v.3.50) | July 22, 2024

Updates and enhancements

AI features in the Learn365 Admin Center

AI-powered features in Learn365 have been taken out of preview [#38406]. LMS admins and Microsoft 365 global admins now manage the availability of these features via Global Settings > LMS Configuration > AI features.

While all organizations can access important AI-powered features, your Learn365 subscription plan now determines the scope of the features available to you [#36475].

When Learn365 is first installed, AI-powered features are enabled by default [#38466]. However, LMS admins and Microsoft 365 global admins can disable AI features by setting both the Content generation and Generate from video toggles to Off via Global Settings > LMS Configuration > AI features.

There is an amendment to Zensai terms and conditions relating to the use of AI [#38406]. The new Accept AI amendment to Zensai terms checkbox on the AI features panel will be:

  • Selected automatically for all Learn365 installations that happened from April 11, 2024 onwards because these terms were part of the DPA you agreed to at the time.
  • Deselected for all Learn365 installations that happened before April 11, 2024, even if you accepted the original AI terms and conditions.

If you want to save any changes in the AI features panel, you'll need to accept the amendment to Zensai's AI terms and conditions.

Admins can now see how many AI requests their organization has made during the current calendar month via the AI usage section in the left-hand navigation panel of the Learn365 Admin Center and in Global Settings. Your organization's monthly request allowance is also displayed here [#38406].


My Training Dashboard

Learners can now view their target skills chart By skill or By category in the Skills section of My Training Dashboard. Using the category filter, learners can see their progress across their targeted skills according to the categories associated with the skills [#36391].


Skills framework

LMS admins can now apply target skills to all users in the organization using the new This target skill rule applies to all users toggle in the Learn365 Admin Center > Global Settings > Skills framework > Target skill rules [#38053]. Target skill rules that are applied to all users in the organization can be identified using the new Global column on the Target skills rules page [#39024].

When importing skills, on the Select skills to import panel, the skills with errors filter (triangle) icon will be displayed only if the imported skills have errors. The 'no error' skills filter (round checkmark) icon will be displayed only if there are error-free skills [#38958].

We've enhanced the notifications that are displayed while importing skills [#38080].


Edit due dates via the Learner's Progress dashboard
Catalog admins can now edit due dates for one or more courses or training plans for a user on the Learner's Progress dashboard via Users > select a user > View Learner's Progress > select training > Edit due date [#37283].


Human Resource Information System (HRIS) integration

If a user is marked inactive or dismissed in an HRIS or HCM, they'll be deleted from LMS365 (Learn365) after the next daily data synchronization [#38629].


API management

The sections in the Learn365 API are now displayed in alphabetical order [#38219].


Course catalog home page

To make it easier to scroll between courses, the Show more button has moved to the bottom of the list of courses on the course catalog home page [#38362].


Resolved issues

In a specific case, the course page background previously set in SharePoint was reset when a course was changed in the Learn365 Admin Center [#38830].

Entering a certificate expiry date in course settings led to the expiration date being displayed in the user interface for certificates that were already awarded, even though they didn’t and shouldn’t have one [#39607].

In certain cases, the Overdue column on the Training Management page didn’t display the correct information [#39672]. 


Learn365 hotfix | July 15, 2024

New features and capabilities

Two new endpoints, GET /odata/v2/UserFieldValues and GET /odata/v2/UserFieldValues(FieldId={FieldId}, UserId={UserId}), are introduced to return all and filtered values from user fields respectively [#38354].


Resolved issues

In some cases, it took a long time to copy courses within the same catalog when the courses contained a lot of content [#38125].

In some cases, sending the PATCH odata/v2/Enrollments({id}) request for registrations with the Cancelled or Expired statuses caused an error, even though the request updated the data successfully [#39182].


Mobile app (v.2.45.9) | Jul 8, 2024

Updates and enhancements

LMS365 is now Learn365

To align with the new product name, the name of the mobile app has changed from LMS365 to Learn365 [#39410].

The splash screen and the logo on the login screen have been updated to align with the new name for the mobile app.


Learn365 hotfix | July 5, 2024

Resolved issues

In some cases, a 500 error was displayed when running the GET /odata/v2/Users endpoint via the Learn365 API [#38812].

In some cases, the "Maximum call stack size exceeded" error was displayed when running the GET /odata/v2/Users endpoint via the Learn365 API [#39236].

If you made a request in the Learn365 API that included a Select statement that referenced the ImageUrl or BannerImageUrl fields, these fields were empty in the Response body [#38832].


Learn365 hotfix | July 2, 2024

Resolved issues

In some cases, an error occurred when entering the " or \ symbols in people pickers across LMS365 (Learn365) [#38471].

In some cases, an error occurred when adding 20 or more skills to a target skill [#38386].


June 2024

Learn365 (v.3.49) | June 25, 2024

New features and capabilities

Product rebrand

To align with the new product branding:

  • The LMS365 Admin Center is renamed Learn365 Admin Center.
  • Screen labels and messages that previously read LMS365 have changed to Learn365 throughout, including the notifications area, the API, and the installation process.
  • Product logos have been updated.

These changes won't overwrite any label customizations or translations the LMS admin has made via the Learn365 Admin Center > Global Settings > Language Files, or any product logo customizations [#36678].


Human Resource Information System (HRIS) integration

From this release, integration with a Human Resource Information System (HRIS) or a Human Capital Management (HCM) system is available for customers with the Learn365 Select subscription. It’s also available as an add-on for customers with the Learn365 Standard and Learn365 Professional subscriptions.

The integration enables you to keep information about employees accurate and up to date automatically. With this integration, changes made to key user details in the HRIS you’re working with will be shown in LMS365 (Learn365) [#35967].


Bulk skill import

Catalog admins can now import skills into a catalog by uploading a .csv file [#28200]. After selecting a file, they can check and edit the skill names, level sets, categories, and tags before importing [#37041].


Updates and enhancements

AI assistance

When generating content with AI assistance, up to 300 pages of a PDF file can now be parsed when using the Insert text from file option. Admins can now use AI to generate content from an Excel file [#35064].


Viva Learning integration

When adding your first provider, the display name now defaults to Learn365. For existing integrations, if you kept the default name (LMS365) when originally configuring the provider, it'll be renamed Learn365 [#36680].

To align with the new product branding, the logos you can apply to providers have been updated. If you didn't customize the logos for a provider when configuring it, the updated logos will replace your current provider logos [#36680].


Target skill rules

By default, target skill rules are now displayed alphabetically in the Learn365 Admin Center > Global Settings > Skills framework > Target skill rules. It's now possible to sort the Target skill rules page by the content of the Title and Skills columns [#37344].


View learner progress

New filtering capabilities are available to catalog admins and line managers when viewing learner progress [#34522].

  • Catalog admins can now filter courses by Is Enrolled, Mandatory, and Publishing status in the Learn365 Admin Center > Users > select a user > View Learner's Progress.
  • Line managers can now filter courses by Is Enrolled, Mandatory, Publishing status, and date range on the Line Manager Dashboard > select a learner > View Learner's Progress.

When selecting one or more courses or training plans in View Learner's Progress, the new Actions panel enables course and catalog admins to edit progress, view certificate, clear progress, and force the retake of a course or training plan. It's also possible to force a learner to retake multiple courses and training plans [#37399].


My Training Dashboard

When a learner has more than one valid level for a skill, only the card of the highest-level skill will now be displayed on My Training Dashboard > Skills > Valid tab [#37433].

Learners can see their target skills and skill gap via a bar chart if they have fewer than three or more than twenty target skills defined [#33110].

A tooltip that shows more detailed skill proficiency information is available when hovering of the skill proficiency chart on My Training Dashboard > Skills [#36392].


Line Manager Dashboard

Line managers can now revoke learners' skills from the All catalogs view on the Line Manager Dashboard [#36821].

Line managers can now enroll and unenroll users from courses and training plans from the All catalogs view on the Line Manager Dashboard [#36071].

The time it takes for skill proficiency settings to take effect has reduced from 30 minutes to 15 [#37139].

It's now possible to filter by name and job title on the Line Manager Dashboard > Team skill proficiency > Overview by member, and by skill in Overview by skill [#37428].


Content packages

LMS365 (Learn365) now gives SCORM the necessary permissions to play encrypted videos [#37934].


Resolved issues

The number of CEUs displayed on My Training Dashboard > Leaderboard is corrected and now aligns with the number returned by the UserRanks API endpoint [#34996].

In certain cases, an attempt to save user progress failed, which prevented users from completing a SCORM content package [#38073].

In certain cases, headings weren’t formatted properly in learning modules [#36403].

In a certain case, a completed course in LMS365 (Learn365) showed as in progress in Microsoft Viva Learning [#38031].

In certain cases, only the first certificate expiry reminder of a group of reminders was sent to learners [#38262].

In certain cases, an error occurred when clearing progress in the Course Progress dashboard [#37069].


LMS365 hotfix | June 13, 2024

Resolved issues

In certain cases, assets weren't migrated when moving a tenant from one region to another [#34618].

In certain cases, an error was displayed when trying to access a certificate from a course completion link [#37944].

In certain cases, the Select skills function on the Grant Skill and Add skills panels didn't return any results [#37678].

In certain cases, for instructor-led training courses that form part of a training plan, learners couldn't add themselves to the waiting list for the course if they were enrolled in the training plan [#37370].


May 2024

LMS365 hotfix | May 31, 2024

Resolved issues

In certain cases, it wasn't possible to enroll external users in courses [#37469].

In certain cases, certificate expiry reminders weren’t sent to learners [#36642].


LMS365 hotfix | May 29, 2024

Resolved issues

In the LMS365 (Learn365) API, the performance of GET /odata/v2/Courses/ManagedByMe() was improved [#37312].

In some cases, an error occurred when pasting valid user names into people pickers across LMS365 (Learn365) [#37397].

When adding a course session, learners who had previously completed the course via certificate import received the course completion notification again [#37124].

In a specific case, adding multiple users to a course session in a semicolon-separated list caused all the user names to be removed [#37391].


LMS365 (v.3.48) | May 27, 2024

New features and capabilities

Team skill proficiency

Line managers can now view their team's skill proficiency and gap across all catalogs. They can also grant their team member skills, or adjust their skill levels from the new Team skill proficiency page [#29078].



With this release, we’ve introduced the Completions vs due dates dashboard on the Reports page in the LMS365 Admin Center. The report shows learners’ progress against the due dates of their courses and training plans in the current catalog [#29662].

The Reports page is now available to line managers. On this page, line managers can track the progress of their direct reports and direct reports’ subordinates. The Courses, Training plans, and Completions vs due dates dashboards are available for line managers to view, while the Session attendance, Training progress, and Learner progress reports are available for download [#29936, #34556].


API management

It’s now possible to change an enrollment due date via API by modifying the DueDate field in PATCH /odata/v2/Enrollments({Id}) [#35666].


Updates and enhancements

AI assistance

Admins can now use AI to generate e-learning courses from an uploaded video [#34978]. LMS admins can enable this feature using the Generate from video toggle via Global Settings in the LMS365 (Learn365) Admin Center.

When generating e-learning courses using the Insert text from file or Upload video options, you can optionally add the source file or video to a new learning module by dragging the Generate learning module from uploaded files toggle to On [#29364].

When generating content with AI assistance, admins can now select the output language for e-learning courses, quizzes, and skills via the Output language drop-down list [#34530].


Grant Skill panel enhancements

New filtering capabilities are available to catalog admins and line managers on the Grant Skill panel [#33780]. Line managers can now filter skills by catalog when in All catalogs view, and by categories on the Line Manager Dashboard > select a learner > Grant skill [#34951]. Catalog admins can now filter skills by category in the LMS365 (Learn365) Admin Center > Users > select a user > Grant Skill [#34503].



We've introduced the following changes to the downloadable reports on the Reports page in the LMS365 (Learn365) Admin Center [#35764].

  • The Time zone column is added to all downloadable reports. The time zone displayed depends on the report.
  • The time that an event occurred can now be seen by selecting a date cell.
  • Dates are now displayed in mmmm dd, yyyy format, for example May 27, 2024.


Target skill rules

It's now possible to filter skills by catalog and category when adding skills to target skill rules via the LMS365 (Learn365) Admin Center > Global Settings > Skills framework > Target skill rules [#32819].



The Answer options field for the Gap Fill question type no longer has a word limit [#36040].


Resolved issues

In certain cases, the "Oops, something went wrong" error occurred when opening a course catalog in SharePoint [#36737].

The Email Learners panel displayed one empty filter option [#36589].


LMS365 hotfix | May 16, 2024

Resolved issues

In certain cases, learners couldn’t resume a course attempt in the LMS365 player [#36396].

Long links in the Course description on the course home page went outside the right-hand margin [#36549].

A maximum of 30 questions were displayed in the quiz editor when the browser view was zoomed out [#36559].

For courses that were copied within a catalog, if an associated quiz contained an image, none of the course content was displayed in the content editor [#36623].

In certain cases, an error occurred when saving edited skill proficiencies via the Line Manager Dashboard [#36023].


April 2024

LMS365 hotfix | April 30, 2024

Resolved issues

In certain cases, an error occurred when attempting to upload files to LMS365 (Learn365) [#36383].

In certain cases, an error occurred when refreshing the data in the Power BI Starter Kit in Power BI Desktop [#36380].


LMS365 (v.3.47) | April 29, 2024

New features and capabilities

AI assistance with skills

Catalog admins can now use AI to generate skills [#31478]. They can then choose which of the generated skills to save in LMS365 (Learn365) [#31479].


Target skills and skill gap visualization

LMS admins can now create target skills for groups of learners, based on their job, department, office, and other criteria [#30460]. The Target skills feature toggle is available from the LMS365 (Learn365) Admin Center > Global Settings [#33130]. This feature is released in preview mode.

Line managers can grant learners' skills and set revocation dates (if relevant) for existing skills from the new Skill proficiency panel [#29315]. Line managers can also see their subordinates' target skills, current skills, and a detailed skill gap chart [#32090]. Both of these new options are available from the Line Manager Dashboard > select a learner > Skill proficiency.

Learners can see their target skills and skill gap overview, as well as a radar chart, on the Skills page of My Training Dashboard [#28112].

In the LMS365 (Learn365) Admin Center and the Line Manager Dashboard, the counter color is now gray when there are no pending actions and the counter shows zero.


Updates and enhancements


We've introduced the following changes to the Reports page in the LMS365 (Learn365) Admin Center [#34469].

  • Reports are now available from the Download reports drop-down list.
  • The date range filter has moved to the left-hand side of the page.
  • If you apply a date range filter, it will apply only to the current tab. If you navigate to a different tab, the date range filter will revert to the default setting.
  • Links to the Overview, Courses, and Training plans dashboards have been moved above the Download reports drop-down list and the date range filter (the gray bar).
  • We've enhanced the vertical bar charts on the Overview, Courses, and Training plans dashboards.

The Course progress report is renamed Training progress report [#26290].


Go1 integration

Information about decomissioned Go1 courses is now synced with LMS365 (Learn365) in real time. Previously, this information was syncyed once a week [#33520].


API management

The new CreatedAt and ModifiedAt fields in the public API responses show the date and time that courses, training plans, enrollments, users, and other items were created or last updated [#34261].


Resolved issues

Long skill names weren’t wrapped properly in exported learner transcript PDF files [#35669].

The Email Learners option on the Course management panel of the course home page didn't open the Email Learners panel [#35904].

When copying a course within a catalog, images were displayed in the Content editor only if a learner was enrolled in the original course [#33738].

[Teams] In some cases, users’ regional language settings weren’t taken into account in LMS365 Teams app notifications [#34728].

[Teams] In a certain case, MP3 audio files added via the Content editor didn’t play in the LMS365 Teams app [#35846].


LMS365 hotfix | April 17, 2024

Resolved issues

Certificates imported via the Import Tool had incorrect statuses if certificate expiry was enabled at course level but the certificate expiry date was empty [#34750].

In some cases, it wasn't possible to generate a quiz with AI [#34892].

In a certain case, entering a Completion date in the format mm/dd/yy when importing external training caused the year to be set to 1924 instead of 2024 [#35092].

The GET /odata/v2/Courses({courseId})/EmbeddedDocumentAsStream(relativePathName= '{relativePathName}') endpoint didn't work when the relativePathName property was encoded or the filename contained the + symbol [#34451].

The GET /odata/v2/Courses({Id})/EmbeddedDocumentAsStream(relativePathName='{relativePathName}') endpoint didn't download files from courses that were originally created on a SharePoint subsite [#35139].


LMS365 hotfix | April 9, 2024

Resolved issues

In a certain case, attempts to enable or disable course notifications via the API resulted in the "Sequence contains more than one element" error [#34887].

In certain cases, the Send Email Message option in the LMS365 Admin Center > Users was enabled for users who didn't have an email address recorded [#34772].

Incorrect tooltip text was displayed when hovering over a disabled Send Email Message option in the LMS365 Admin Center > Users and the Line Manager Dashboard [#34773].

In some cases when creating a course via the API, PATCH /odata/v2/Courses({Id}) didn't add a category to a course [#34289].


LMS365 (v.3.46) | April 2, 2024

New features and capabilities

Instructor-led training

Admins and instructors can now automatically register learner attendance for instructor-led training sessions based on Teams meeting attendance reports. This feature can be enabled by setting the Automatically register session attendance based on Teams meeting participation toggle to On in the Edit session panel of the course [#31953].

The courses that contain sessions requiring attendance review can be filtered by selecting the Review attendance button at the top of the Training Management page [#32353]. This button will be displayed only when there are sessions that require attendance review for at least one participant. The number of courses with such sessions is shown on the button label [#34284]. The sessions that require attendance review can be filtered using a button at the top of the Sessions section of the course configuration panel. The number of such sessions is shown on the button label [#32939].


Quizzes and quiz questions

Admins can now use AI to generate create quizzes and quiz questions from an uploaded video [#32419]. LMS admins can enable this feature using the Generate from video toggle via Global Settings in the LMS365 Admin Center [#34288].


Updates and enhancements

Go1 integration

It’s now possible to import Go1 courses via the Go1 Content Hub [#30292]. The Go1 Content Hub is launched in preview for customers with an LMS365 Professional or Select subscription. Customers will also need a Go1 subscription to use this feature.



Catalog admins can now filter the information on the Overview, Courses, and Training plans dashboards of the Reports page by date [#31249].

The Overdue of not started and Overdue of in progress labels in the Enrollments section of the Overview tab on the Reports page are renamed Overdue out of not started and Overdue out of in progress respectively.

The percentages displayed on the donut charts in the Enrollments by status section of the Courses and Training plans tabs on the Reports page now show full numbers. When you hover over a segment of these charts, the precise percentages are now displayed [#34532].


Line Manager Dashboard

It's now possible to send an email message to direct reports and direct reports’ subordinates via the Line Manager Dashboard [#33669].

The Administration of direct reports panel on the Line Manager Dashboard now shows only menu items, without the section headings [#29707].

The Import action on the Administration of direct reports panel is renamed Import external training data [#29707].


Copy courses across catalogs

When copying a course across catalogs, all of its quiz, assessment, and learning module content images are now copied from the current catalog, and stored in the SharePoint site of the target catalog, where they’ll be used in the copied course [#33636].


LMS365 Admin Center

The AI Features: Content Generation toggle in Global Settings in the LMS365 Admin Center is renamed Content generation.


Resolved issues

In a certain case, web parts didn’t load when the course catalog URL was re-assigned from a previously deleted catalog [#34163].

In certain cases, when creating a course session, there was a delay as the rooms list loaded [#31498].

In certain cases, users’ regional date and time format settings weren’t taken into account when manually entering a learner’s course completion date [#27917].

In certain cases, providers that were deleted via the Viva Learning panel in Global Settings in the LMS365 Admin Center were still shown in Microsoft Viva Learning [#30057].


March 2024

Mobile app (v.2.45.1) | March 19, 2024

Updates and enhancements

Support for iOS 17

[iOS] iOS 17 is now supported [#29327].


LMS365 hotfix | March 19, 2024

Resolved issues

When creating a course via the LMS365 API, Category name was a required field [#34170].

To ensure quiz assets can be viewed when they’re added to any course within a catalog, it’s now possible to move all quiz assets that were created before this release from course-level folders to a catalog-level folder with inherited permissions via an internal endpoint [#33100].

In certain cases, there was a long waiting time when generating reports via the Reports page [#33879].

When adding the LMS365-User-Id header to the GET /odata/v2/CourseCatalogs request, the list of catalogs will now be filtered according to user permissions [#34118].

[Teams] In a certain case, the Enable notifications in Microsoft Teams toggle in Dashboard > Personal Preferences was switched to off and disabled, meaning Teams notifications weren’t being sent [#33826].


LMS365 hotfix | March 11, 2024

Resolved issues

In a certain case, completed SCORM packages weren't showing as completed in LMS365 [#32742].

If a course URL contained special characters such as Ä, Ö, and Ü, an error occurred when selecting Exit. Back to the course in the LMS365 player and when viewing the course from the LMS365 Admin Center [#33889].


LMS365 hotfix | March 6, 2024

Resolved issues

In a certain case, course admins who have never been assigned any other LMS365 roles couldn't create or edit course sessions for instructor-led training [#33862].

It wasn't possible to change the status of a certificate from Valid to Expiring after disabling the Certificate expiry reminder notification at either course or catalog level [#33760].


LMS365 (v.3.45) | March 4, 2024

New features and capabilities

Instructor-led training

Admins and instructors can now automatically retrieve learner attendance from Microsoft Teams for instructor-led training sessions. The attendance report will be available shortly after the session ends, and will include users’ participation percentage based on the total time they spent in the session. Instructors can then confirm attendance for one or more participants at a time [#31952].


AI assistance with e-learning courses

Admins can now use AI to generate e-learning courses. They can enter course content directly or insert it from a file, then AI will generate the course with a title, short and long descriptions, related categories, and other default settings. Optionally, they can add AI-generated quizzes to the course. Admins can then manage courses in the usual way [#28343].



With this release, we’ve introduced the Reports page in the LMS365 Admin Center [#31879].

This page offers catalog admins a centralized view of downloadable reports, as well as three new dashboard views and two new reports.

  • The Overview [#28797], Courses [#29628], and Training plans [#29631] dashboards help catalog admins better understand the status and performance of their learning resources in the current catalog.
  • The new Courses information report provides information about courses in the current catalog [#28677].
  • The new Session Attendance report provides information about session attendance for courses in the current catalog [#28724].

The reports already available from the following areas of LMS365 are now additionally available via the Reports page:

  • Training Management > Training reports.
  • Training Management> select a course > Course reports.
  • Users > Export.
  • Users > select the relevant learner > View Learner’s Progress.
  • Training Management > select a course > Course progress.


Updates and enhancements

Self-evaluation of skills

Line managers will see the Skill requests filter on the Line Manager Dashboard only when the catalog admin has enabled the Self-evaluation of skills and Require line manager approval for self-evaluation of skills options via Global Settings in the LMS365 Admin Center [#31934].



The Course Due Date variable is added to e-learning, instructor-led training, and training plan Forced Retake notification templates.


LMS365 player

In the LMS365 player, when learners select Exit on the Course Overview page or Exit. Back to the course on the Course Status page, they'll be redirected to the page or application from which the player was launched [#32804].



When a quiz is created at course level, all of its associated assets are now stored at catalog level instead of course level to ensure that the assets are available to learners and admins of other courses [#33661].


LMS365 Admin Center

Several toolbar icons changed to filter buttons and moved to the top of the page. The filter buttons will be shown only if there are related actions pending:

  • On the Line Manager Dashboard, the Enrollment Requests, Skill Requests, and Assessments icons are now displayed as filters buttons [#32089]
  • On the Training Management page, the Enrollment Requests, Request(s) for Sessions, Waiting List, and Failed Provisioning icons are now displayed as filter buttons [#31576].

The Training Provisioning filter on the Training Management page is renamed Failed Provisioning and now shows only courses that have failed provisioning [#32782].

The Office 365 button at the top of the LMS365 Admin Center is renamed Microsoft 365 [#31922].


Resolved issues

[Teams] An error occurred when using the Find training command in the LMS365 chatbot [#29996].

In certain cases, when all modules in a course were completed and learners selected Continue or Go to the next step in the course in the LMS365 player, they were informed that they hadn't completed the course. [#33384].

In certain cases, after merging users via the LMS365 API, pending enrollment request notifications were displayed on the Training Management page when there were no pending enrollment requests [#33329].

In a certain case, course ratings submitted by users who were later removed from a catalog were excluded from the Average rating calculation in Manage Rating [#32951].

Variables weren't displayed for some notification templates when the Norwegian locale was selected in the Regional Settings of the catalog [#32085].

In a certain case, pasting a URL into an email to learners via Send Email Message cut off part of the URL, meaning learners couldn't open the content (for example, course content), from the email [#33319].

In certain cases, images that were uploaded via the Content editor weren't displayed in the LMS365 Admin Center until the user who uploaded the images visited the SharePoint site [#32948].

In certain cases, there was a long waiting time while certificates were being set to expired via the OnSchedule webjob task [#30842].

When copying courses across catalogs, content packages were copied to the target catalog even if an identically named one already existed, leading to duplicate content packages [#32237].


February 2024

LMS365 hotfix | February 19, 2024

Resolved issues

In a certain case, learners experienced a long loading time in the LMS365 player [#31644].

In certain cases, learners didn't see their uploaded external certificates on My Training Dashboard [#31695].

Catalog admins could see images they had added to a learning module via the Content editor or a quiz only if they were also assigned as a course admin for the relevant course [#32949].

In certain cases, it wasn't possible to exit full screen mode when using the rich text editor throughout LMS365 [#32754].

In certain cases, catalog admins couldn't see course assignment attachments if the
Assignment Attachment document library contained more than 5,000 items [#33018].


LMS365 hotfix | February 12, 2024

Resolved issues

It wasn't possible to delete learners' attendance for an instructor-led training course if the course had been deleted [#32152].

In certain cases, learners couldn't scroll through the sessions within a session group in the browser version of SharePoint on mobile devices [#32479].

When editing sessions that originally had the Let LMS365 schedule the Teams meeting toggle turned On, turning this toggle Off and then On again left the Meeting URL empty [#32199].

In certain cases, PATCH /odata/v2/Courses({Id}) in the Courses section of the LMS365 API didn't update the course admins and trainers [#32304].

It wasn't possible to close SCORM packages in Go1 courses using the x (close) icon [#30999].

In certain cases, when learners were forced to retake a course that they had only completed in the previous 24 hours, they continued to receive notifications asking them to retake the course again [#31848]. 


January 2024

LMS365 (v.3.44) | January 22, 2024

New features and capabilities


Admins can now use AI to generate quizzes. They can enter quiz content directly or insert it from a file, then AI will generate the quiz with a title, description, and questions with default settings. Admins can then manage the quiz in the usual way [#29366].

For Short answer questions where regular expressions are enabled, the new Show answer feedback to learners instead of correct answers toggle enables admins to choose whether learners will see text as correct answer feedback in Quiz review (the toggle is On) or regular expressions (the toggle is Off) or [#27830].



Chinese (Traditional, Taiwan) is now included in the languages supported by LMS365 [#31400].


Updates and enhancements

Catalog limitations

LMS admins can now easily create new SharePoint sites when the training limit per catalog is reached [#27682]. LMS admins will receive banner and email notifications when the limit is about be reached, and again when the limit is reached [#31218]. Once the limit is reached, new courses and training plans can't be created, and courses can't be copied into the catalog [#31219].

LMS admins will be asked to create a new SharePoint site to accommodate new courses and training plans [#30349]. Every user who is added to the Learners or Administrators groups for any course or training plan in the catalog will also be added to the Visitors group of the catalog [#29896]. If a user has no other roles assigned to them in the catalog, they'll be removed from the Visitors group of the catalog [#29898].


My Training Dashboard

Learners can now filter the information in the Skills section of My Training Dashboard by skill category [#31041].


Line Manager Dashboard

It's now possible to enroll learners in multiple courses at a time on the Line Manager Dashboard [#28961].

When administering direct reports on the Line Manager Dashboard, the icon that indicates the number of pending skill requests has changed [#30545].


Rich text editor

When creating and editing quizzes, an enhanced rich text editor is now available when entering gap fill answer text [#30450], correct, partially correct, and incorrect answer feedback [#30532], and answer options for multiple choice, multiple answers, matching, and ordering question types [#29336].

The features available in the enhanced text editor depend on your LMS365 subscription type. For customers with an LMS365 Professional or Select subscription, the text editor additionally includes the spell check, accessibility checker, and PowerPaste features [#29513].


Audit trail

The list of events in audit trail records was enriched [#31410].


Go1 and LinkedIn Learning integration

LMS admins can now configure Go1 and LinkedIn Learning courses to publish automatically once they're imported into LMS365 by switching the Automatically publish imported courses toggle On in the Settings section of the relevant integration connector panel [#31568].


API management

API endpoints have been introduced in the LMS365 API to support the cloning and migration of site assets and learning module documents [#28648].

It's now possible to enable or disable specific notification templates at training level via the LMS365 API [#30113].


LMS365 webparts

SPFX webpart packages are now further reduced in size [#30917].


LMS365 Admin Center

At catalog level in the LMS365 Admin Center, the Back to LMS365 option at the top of the menu that takes you to the course catalog home page is renamed Go to catalog [#31599].


LMS365 player

The Previous and Next buttons in the LMS365 player are renamed Previous item and Next item respectively. The Retry, Review, Result, Previous item, and Next item buttons are now displayed on the right-hand side of the LMS365 player navigation bar. The new Review content link on the Course Status page of the Course Syllabus redirects learners to the first learning item of the course [#31232].


Resolved issues

In certain cases, when learners reviewed quizzes, answers for the Short answer question type were displayed as regular expressions instead of text [#27830].

In certain cases, when question pools contained more than 30 questions, the 31st and subsequent questions were discarded when reordered, unless the user scrolled to the bottom of the question pool [#31497].

Copying a course across catalogs failed if the course included a file, such as a content package, that contained special characters ‘#’ or ‘%’ in its file name [#31422].

Certain Go1 courses that were marked for decommissioning by the provider didn’t show as marked for decommissioning in LMS365 [#31229].

In certain cases, users who were members of a deleted Azure Active Directory group were still showing as enrolled in courses in LMS365 [#30745].

Users were asked to sign in to LMS365 in Teams every time they returned to the Manage tab after navigating away [#26912].


LMS365 hotfix | January 9, 2024

Resolved issues

In courses with more than one SCORM package, in certain cases, catalog admins saw the This resource is no longer available message when viewing learners' progress with SCORM attempts [#31687].


LMS365 hotfix | January 3, 2024

Resolved issues

The Course not started reminder notification was sent to course admins who weren't enrolled in the course as learners [#31372].


December 2023

LMS365 hotfix | December 19, 2023

Resolved issues

In certain cases, learning modules that contained embedded video links caused the ‘This resource is no longer available’ message to be displayed when they were accessed via the LMS365 player [#31318].


LMS365 hotfix | December 14, 2023

Resolved issues

Due to a Microsoft security policy change, the LMS365 player couldn't display Sharepoint pages that were added to learning modules as Embed code or Website link content types. An optional feature, which can be enabled on your tenant, will enable you to open SharePoint pages in a new page-centered pop-up window [#31098].

In some cases, Certificate expired and Certificate expiry reminder email notifications were sent to unenrolled users when the notification's Send for unenrolled learners toggle was Off [#31183].


Mobile app (v.2.34.13) | December 2023

Updates and enhancements

Dashboard tab: Skills section

A new Pending approval status for skills is available for learners at the bottom of the Skills section of the Dashboard tab and on skill cards. Learners can filter the skills with the Pending approval status using the new Pending filter [#30934].


Training home page

On the course/training plan home page, learners can select See course description to see a long course/training plan description. If a long description is available for the course or training plan, it will be shown instead of the short description [#30344].

To see the learning module and assessment descriptions, learners can select the information icon next to the relevant item [#30344].

Selecting See module description in the LMS365 player, learners can see the learning module description [#30344].


LMS365 (v.3.43) | December 11, 2023

New features and capabilities

Self-evaluation of skills

Learners can now evaluate their own skills from My Training Dashboard [#29061, #29062]. The feature toggle is available for admins from the new Skills framework features section in Global Settings of the LMS365 Admin Center [#29065]. Here, LMS admins can also choose whether line managers will be asked to approve or reject their subordinates’ skills requests [#29082].

Line managers can review skill requests on the Line Manager Dashboard for a specific catalog [#29081] or for all catalogs [#29307].

New skill-related notifications are introduced to accommodate the Self-evaluation of skills feature: Skill request approved, Skill request pending, and Skill request rejected [#29088].


AI features in the LMS365 Admin Center

Admins can now enable AI features for the LMS365 Admin Center [#30031]. The AI in the LMS365 Admin Center feature toggle is available from Global Settings in the LMS365 Admin Center [#30280]. This feature is released in preview mode. For this release, turning this toggle On will enable the AI assistance to generate quiz questions.


AI assistance with quiz questions

Admins can now use AI to create quiz questions, in both quizzes and question pools. This feature applies to the following question types: True or false [#30003], Matching [#30004], Multiple choice [#29799], and Multiple answers [#30002].


Updates and enhancements

Training plans

Admins can now create and publish training plans, where the publishing period of its courses doesn’t match or fall within the training plan publish dates [#29402]. In this case, admins will see a validation message [#29529].



The new Send for unenrolled learners option is available in the following notification templates: Certificate expired, Certificate expiry reminder, Training plan certificate expired, Training plan certificate expiry reminder, Skill revocation reminder, and Skill revoked [#29686].

The following new notification templates are available in the Notifications area of the LMS365 Admin Center: e-Learning course not started, Instructor-led course not started, and Training plan not started [#28083]. These notifications come with in-product guidance in the form of teaching bubbles [#29845].


LMS365 webparts

SPFX webpart packages are now reduced in size [#29741].


Rich text editor

An enhanced rich text editor is now available when creating quiz questions [#30425], entering the course catalog description [#29512], and on the Information Page in Global Settings > Mobile Configuration in the LMS365 Admin Center [#29511]. The rich text editor is now available in all the languages supported by LMS365 [#29829]. When sending emails to learners via the Course/Training Plan management panel, the Body field is expanded to provide more space [#28029].

The features available in the enhanced text editor depend on your LMS365 subscription type. For customers with an LMS365 Professional or Select subscription, the text editor additionally includes the spell check, accessibility checker, and PowerPaste features [#29513].


LMS365 Admin Center

The display limit of 10 users in the search results was removed in the user selector across the LMS365 Admin Center [#29557].

If the Forced retake option was enabled in the source training when copying courses across catalogs, the copied training will inherit this option and the number of days after completion field will be empty. Admins must manage the Forced retake option before they can publish the copied training [#29819].

When uploading content packages to a course that doesn’t have any content packages added yet, the Selected tab won't display the drag-and-drop footer [#29701].


My Training Dashboard

The Skills section of My Training Dashboard is now additionally available in card view [#28571].

In the Skills section of My Training Dashboard, learners can now select a skill title to open a separate panel, where they can view skill details [#29086].

Learners will see an illustration in the Skills section of My Training Dashboard if they haven't yet acquired any skills [#29084].


Import Tool (v.IT-

For certified partners only, the Import Tool version IT- is available now.

You can download the latest version of the Import Tool here (log in to the LMS365 Help Center to access it).


Resolved issues

In certain cases, when Chinese was set as the display language, an element of the LMS365 Admin Center was displayed in English instead of Chinese [#30513].

The Audit Trail page in the LMS365 Admin Center didn’t load for tenants in the Switzerland North region [#30631].

The export of audit trail data on the Audit Trail page failed with an "Unauthorized" notification [#30702].

In a certain case, users couldn't access the tenant that was moved from the North Europe data center to the Switzerland North data center [#30773].

In certain cases, course creation failed on a tenant in the Switzerland North region with the 'Public access is not permitted on this storage account' error [#30568].

In the LMS365 Admin Center > Global Settings > Language Files > Course creator, languages displayed near the top of the page were hidden behind the toolbar [#30933].

In certain cases, LMS365 website visitors encountered a 'Too Many Requests' error when switching from one form to another [#30613].

When adding answer options for a gap fill quiz question, text formatting changes weren't saved [#27301].

In certain cases, learners couldn't proceed to the next step in the LMS365 player when they completed the SCORM package and selected Exit in this SCORM package [#31066].


LMS365 hotfix | December 7, 2023

Resolved issues

The Course due date reminder and Course due date has passed notifications weren't sent for training where the Set Due Date as option was a fixed date [#30827].


November 2023

LMS365 hotfix | November 29, 2023

New features and capabilities

Switzerland North is added as a data region for tenant provisioning [#30508].


LMS365 hotfix | November 15, 2023

Resolved issues

In some cases, skill notifications were sent if they were disabled on the Notifications page in the LMS365 Admin Center [#30055].

The Copy courses across catalogs option enabled catalog admins to copy courses across catalogs for which they weren't admins [#30166].

If learners completed a training retake on the same day they received the related Course retake is required notification, their training progress was reset and the notification was sent again [#30310].

Notification templates for instructor-led training weren't identified correctly in the Relates To column on the Notifications page in the LMS365 Admin Center [#30015].

Instructor-led training could be saved even when warnings were displayed on the Sessions tab of the course configuration panel [#30035].


LMS365 hotfix | November 7, 2023

Resolved issues

The source of the imported content package column for imported Go1 and LinkedIn Learning courses didn't show the relevant brand icon [#30106].

In some cases, when selecting filters on the Users page and the Training Management page, the search box was partly hidden by the toolbar [#30075].

In some cases, teaching bubbles displayed near the top of the page were partly hidden behind the toolbar [#29820].


Mobile app (v.2.33.32) | November 2023

Updates and enhancements

Course filters

The new Includes external content filter on the Catalog tab enables learners to show only the courses that were imported from Go1 and/or LinkedIn Learning [#28655].



Irish is now included in the languages supported by the LMS365 mobile app [#28768].


LMS365 player

A label is now displayed in the LMS365 player if a learner doesn't have access to an asset [#28722].

The LMS365 player now shows updated file names if they’ve changed [#28723].


October 2023

LMS365 (v.3.42) | October 30, 2023

New features and capabilities


Irish is now included in the languages supported by LMS365 [#29068].


Instructor-led training

It’s now possible to assign course admins and session instructors as co-organizers of the Teams meeting for a session [#24681].


Copy courses across catalogs

It’s now possible to copy e-learning courses and instructor-led training across catalogs within the same tenant via the Training management page [#29490]. This feature is available for customers with an LMS365 Professional or Select subscription [#28579].

This feature comes with in-product guidance in the form of teaching bubbles [#27994].


Forced retake

The automatic Forced retake option is now available in the training configuration panel for admins to manage training retakes [#26744].

When the forced retake is initiated, learners will receive a notification if they're enrolled in the course/training plan and the course/training plan is active [#13813].

New notification templates are available in the Notifications area of the LMS365 Admin Center: Course retake is required, Instructor-led training retake, and Training plan retake is required. When the forced retake is initiated, learners will receive the relevant notification.

This feature comes with in-product guidance in the form of teaching bubbles [#28234].



The new Manage notifications option on the Course/Training Plan management panel enables admins to define the notifications they want to send for individual courses and training plans [#28082].

The Relates To filter and column on the Notifications page now have separate labels for e-Learning and Instructor-led training, instead of the single Course label [#29564].


Updates and enhancements

Redesigned learning module UI

The redesigned UI is available for the learning module editor [#21798].

It's now possible to stay in the learning module editor and continue to make changes after a learning module is created or saved [#29319].


Rich text editor

An enhanced rich text editor is now available when entering basic course/training plan details [#28178], creating and editing course sessions [#29335], creating assessment content and adding it to a course [#29334], and when using the Content editor in the learning module editor [#29333].

The features available in the enhanced text editor depend on your LMS365 subscription type. For customers with an LMS365 Professional or Select subscription, the text editor additionally includes the spell check, accessibility checker, and PowerPaste features [#29513].


API management

The EmailNotifications section is introduced in the LMS365 API to enable admins to manage and edit notification templates [#28080].


Users actions panel

The Actions panel on the Users page now shows only menu items, without the section headings [#28039].


My Training Dashboard

Certificates and Skills are now separate menu items on the left navigation of My Training Dashboard [#28569].


Course home page

It's now possible to expand or collapse the Assessment section on the course home page [#27890].


Resolved issues

For customers with a Freemium subscription, courses that were added via the Import external training data option on the Users page counted towards the allowance of eight courses or training plans [#28684].

The regular LMS365 chatbot in Teams enabled users to access catalogs for which they don't have permission to access [#22374].

Files that had the # or % character in the filename displayed an error when they were opened in the LMS365 player.

It wasn't possible to perform any actions on admins who were added to a newly created copy of a course without re-opening the course configuration panel [#28667].

When adding courses to a new training plan, selecting Save on the Add course panel also created the training plan [#29401].


LMS365 hotfix | October 16, 2023

Resolved issues

In a certain case, in the LMS365 Admin Center, admins faced a long loading time when trying to access the Learners details page for quizzes that contained a large number of questions [#29347].


Mobile app hotfix (v.2.32.16) | October 13, 2023

Resolved issues

In the LMS365 mobile app on Android devices, learners remained in a login loop when they tried to access Stream videos that were added to a course via embed code [#28634].


LMS365 hotfix | October 6, 2023

Resolved issues

In a certain case, the installation of LMS365 previously encountered issues when selecting the region [#29347].


LMS365 hotfix | October 4, 2023

Resolved issues

The labels on the Generative AI features in the LMS Admin Center are now completely localized [#29071].

[API] In certain cases, the response to unenroll Microsoft Entra ID (Azure Active Directory) groups from a course via POST/odata/v2/Courses({Id})/Unenroll returned an error [#29110].


September 2023

LMS365 hotfix | September 29, 2023

New features and capabilities

Generative AI feature

The new Generative AI features option is implemented in LMS365 to enable access to AI-powered features within LMS365 [#26977]. The feature toggle is available from Global Settings in the LMS365 Admin Center [#28576]. This feature is released in preview mode.


AI-powered chatbot

[Teams] If catalog admins enable the new Generative AI features option, LMS365 users can now use the AI-powered chatbot in Teams [#28576]. This feature is released in preview mode.


Resolved issues

In a certain case, an error was displayed when loading webparts on SharePoint pages after migrating from Azure Germany national cloud to Azure global services [#28808].


Mobile app hotfix (v.2.32.14) | September 26, 2023

Resolved issues

Go1 SCORM packages can now be accessed by LMS365 users on iOS mobile devices [#28642].


LMS365 hotfix | September 21, 2023

Resolved issues

Email and Teams notifications were sent later than expected for Course due date reminders, Certificate expiry reminder, Skill revocation reminder, Training Plan Due Date Reminders, and Training Plan Certificate Expiry Reminder [#28738]. 

Editing an existing learning module created a new learning module instead of saving the edited one [#28729].


Mobile app (v.2.32) | September 2023

Updates and enhancements


Hungarian is now included in the languages supported by the LMS365 mobile app [#27840].


Learning module

If the new Microsoft 365 assets option is enabled by admins, users can now access any assets in the LMS365 mobile app that were added to learning modules via this option [#28638]. This feature is released in preview mode.


LMS365 (v.3.41) | September 18, 2023

New features and capabilities


Hungarian is now included in the languages supported by LMS365 [#28271].


Updates and enhancements

Viva Learning integration

Viva Learning integration is enhanced, enabling you to configure and manage multiple content providers for a single tenant [#26959].

For existing integrations, all available catalogs are automatically associated with your existing LMS365 provider. It's possible to change the selection of catalogs.

When you first set up the integration between LMS365 and Microsoft Viva Learning, a default provider (LMS365) is created automatically.


LinkedIn Learning integration

It's now possible to identify users by their email address (not just by their user ID) when using xapi reporting in Linkedin Learning integration.

When importing LinkedIn Learning courses into LMS365, any Subject & Topics filters you previously applied will be reset when you apply a Language filter [#26970].


Audit trail

You can now filter the audit trail to show logs that were initiated by API keys [#27689] or by the LMS365 system [#27692].

The new byGroup property in Activity details enables you to track information related to Microsoft Entra ID (Azure Active Directory) and Microsoft groups for learner enrollments, unenrollments, and session registrations [#27476, #27817].

For promotional courses, and courses imported from Go1 and LinkedIn Learning, the Initiated by column on the audit trail shows the user's name [#27517].

For events triggered by LMS365 webjobs or an update to a Microsoft Entra ID (Azure Active Directory) group, the Initiated by column displays LMS365 System [#27692].

When applying filters, deleted courses, training plans, and catalogs are now marked with the Deleted label [#27687].


Learning module

An organization's Microsoft 365 assets can now be added to learning modules via the Organization's M365 assets option in the learning module editor [#21630]. This feature is released in preview mode.

The source of the imported content package column will be displayed on the Content package panel when adding a content package if it originated from Go1 or LinkedIn Learning [#27235].


API management 

A new API endpoint is implemented to enable customers to update a certificate’s issued date, expiration date, and status in the Certificates section of the LMS365 API: /odata/v2/Certificates/({Id}) [#28035].



Any training plans that contain Go1 and/or LinkedIn Learning courses are now included when you filter by this specific content on the Training Management page and the Course Catalog page [#27368].



Catalog admins can configure notifications to also be sent when a course or training due date has passed, certificates have expired, or skills have been revoked [#27988].



A change to the expiry date of a certificate will be applied only to certificates issued in the future [#27699].


Rich text editor

An enhanced rich text editor is now available when editing notification templates [#28028] and sending email messages [#27633].


Content packages

The SCORM setting "Redirect to statistics page when completed" is now set to On by default [#28511].


Users page

When importing external training on the Users page, deleted courses and training plans are now marked with the Deleted label [#27687].


Resolved issues

In certain cases, downloaded course progress reports didn't contain certificates for imported external training [#27564].

When running the POST externalTrainingsimportProgress request, an incorrect error code was returned if the UserId was incorrect [#21923].

In certain cases, updates applied via the PATCH odataCourseCatalogs({Id}) request were applied to all catalogs on the tenant instead of the selected one [#27906].

In some cases, long course titles on the Course Catalog page caused a display issue [#27915].

When a learner completed a SCORM package that had the Redirect to statistics page when completed option enabled, the redirect didn't work correctly [#28356].

Custom localizations in the LMS365 Admin Center didn't work for English (United Kingdom). They were displayed in the default English (US) language instead.

In some cases, the “Error: Token type is not allowed.” error was displayed when creating a course catalog [#28535].

In some cases, the audit trail didn't show UserEnrolled and UserRegisteredForSession events for enrolled users and groups [#28269].


LMS365 hotfix | September 1, 2023

Updates and enhancements

If a learner was enrolled in a course both individually and as a member of an AAD group, upon individual unenrollment from the course, the learner remains enrolled in this course because they're still a member of the AAD group. Additionally, a message will be displayed in the LMS365 Admin Center, under Notifications (the bell icon), from which admins can track the learners who remain enrolled in the course as a member of the AAD group. If the AAD group is unenrolled from the course, the learner will remain enrolled in this course because they were also enrolled as an individual learner [#28186]. 


Resolved issues

In certain cases, in the LMS365 Admin Center, users' information on the Users panel was only partially populated from Microsoft Entra ID (Azure Active Directory) [#28177].

[API] In a certain case, in the LMS365 API, it was possible to retrieve outdated information about a deleted user who used to be assigned as a manager in Microsoft Entra ID (Azure Active Directory) [#28107].


August 2023

LMS365 hotfix | August 17, 2023

Updates and enhancements

The SCORM setting "Redirect to statistics page when completed" is now set to Off by default [#27937]. 


Resolved issues

In a certain case, submitting an answer to a Short answer question type in the LMS player took longer than expected and the quiz completion status wasn't updated correctly [#27698].

In a certain case, an issue with the domain name change was resolved [#27631].

It wasn't possible to unenroll an individual learner from training if they were enrolled in the same training both individually and via an Azure Active Directory group [#27653].

In the LMS365 Admin Center, the Messages from the LMS365 Team didn't store banner messages with the ended publishing date [#27799].

In a certain case, training completion wasn’t shown in the LMS365 Admin Center or the LMS365 Line Manager Dashboard for training that was imported via Import External Training [#27311].


Mobile app (v.2.31.16) | August 2023

Updates and enhancements

Offline mode

With this release, the mark courses and training plans as favorite feature is supported in both offline and online modes [#26942].



Estonian, Finnish, and Latvian are now included in the languages supported by the LMS365 mobile app [#27575].


LMS365 (v.3.40) | August 7, 2023

New features and capabilities

Integration with LinkedIn Learning

From this release, access to the LinkedIn Learning library is available for customers with an LMS365 Professional or Select subscription as an integration connector from the Global Settings of the LMS365 Admin Center [#22355].

When integration between LMS365 and LinkedIn Learning is established, Import courses > LinkedIn Learning is displayed as an option on the Training Management page menu bar [#22356].

You can read more about the LinkedIn Learning integration in this article.



Estonian, Finnish, and Latvian are now included in the languages supported by LMS365 [#27575].


Change session registrations

With the new Allow learners to change session registrations option, catalog and course admins can now control whether learners can modify their session selection after enrollment. When this option is toggled Off, learners won't be able to change their session registrations, neither by registering for additional standalone sessions and session groups, nor by cancelling their existing ones [#26424].


API management

Two new API endpoints are implemented to enable customers to retrieve lists of role assignments: /odata/v2/RoleAssignments and /odata/v2/ RoleAssignments({Id}) [#27019].


Updates and enhancements

Course Catalog page

The new Includes external content filter is available on the left-side menu of the Course Catalog page and enables learners to filter the page to show only the courses that were imported from Go1 and/or LinkedIn Learning [#24902].


Audit trail

In the bottom right-hand corner of the Audit Trail page, the number of audit logs (Records found) for the selected date range and filters is now displayed [#27000].



  • To reduce the number of email notifications that course admins receive, it's now possible to remove the course admin as a recipient of the Instructor-led training scheduled - appointment invitation notification template [#24686].
  • A number of notification templates contain two new variables ({COURSE DURATION STANDARD FORMAT} and {COURSE DURATION}), which display the duration of a course and training plan in standard format and in free format, respectively [#24830].


Copy courses within the same catalog

To create a copy of an instructor-led course, you should now configure either a room or a meeting URL for its course sessions [#27437]. 


Course deletion

With this release, the logic of deleting a course that forms part of a training plan is enhanced [#27227]:

  • A deleted course is removed from the Courses section of the training plan configuration panel.
  • If the deleted course was originally the first one in the list and the second one was a locked course, then the locked course automatically becomes unlocked.


Course home page

A new image is displayed on the course home page when there is no course content available for learners [#21365].


LMS365 course player

Tables that are added to quizzes, learning modules, and assessments are now supported by the LMS365 course player [#23104].



When adding questions to a quiz, you can use the new Title filter to search for questions in a question pool [#25413].


Learning modules

You can now provide a description for learning modules using the rich text editor [#26797].

Learning items can now be added to a learning module by dragging them from the left-hand side and dropping them to the right-hand side [#27336].

You can now drag and drop documents and files from your computer when add them to learning modules [#16639].


Redesigned publishing UI

The redesigned UI is available for publishing courses, training plans, learning modules, and quizzes [#26798].


Resolved issues

  • In some cases, SCORM packages failed to send the completion status to LMS365 after closing the browser window [#27400].
  • Video in a SCORM content package failed to open when the length of the video title exceeded 256 characters [#27598].
  • [API] When courses that form part of a training plan are deleted from a catalog, they were still shown as being part of training plans in the API response and still shown in the completion sets of these training plans [#27044].
  • The Line Manager Dashboard link from the My Training Dashboard web part failed to work on SharePoint site collections that didn't contain an LMS365 catalog [#27482].
  • Training plans weren't marked as completed when the Import External Training option was used to complete one or more courses that are required for training plan completion [#27311].
  • The "Oops, something went wrong" message was displayed during course creation when trying to upload several content packages [#26751].
  • Custom thumbnail images weren't displayed on the Assessments page of My Training Dashboard [#26958].
  • In a certain case, SCORM content package failed to record users' score when the Redirect to statistics page when completed toggle is set to Off [#27040].
  • External apps added to course content during course creation weren't included in the course completion set [#27661].
  • When changing the columns displayed on the Users page via the Columns on user page feature, the Custom synchronization toggle for the Email column wasn't working correctly [#27679].
  • When reissuing a certificate via the LMS365 API, the days, hours, and minutes of the Duration (standard format) field were displayed in English instead of the language of the certificate [#27154].
  • When a learner registered for a session of a copied course or cancelled their session registration for a copied course, the Instructor-led training scheduled – appointment invitation notification was sent to all users enrolled in the course [#27693].


July 2023

LMS365 hotfix | July 25, 2023

Resolved issues

  • In a certain case, the course progress dashboard wasn't loading [#27225]. 
  • In a certain case, the “Oops something went wrong” error was displayed when using the Create course copy option and only some of the learning modules were copied to the new course [#27114].


LMS365 hotfix | July 13, 2023

Resolved issues

  • When copying instructor-led training, the session time and time zone didn't inherit the course catalog regional settings [#26976]. 
  • In a certain case, Create course copy action was available for the course admins [#27085]. 
  • In a certain case, in the copied provisioned course, the edited Basic training information wasn't saved [#27057]. 
  • In a certain case, learners experienced a performance issue while taking a course that contained a SCORM package with AR/VR content [#27084]. 
  • In a certain case, courses that are set as not to be shown in Viva Learning were shared with Viva Learning [#27261]. 
  • [API] In a certain case, there was an issue with retrieving the course list via API [#27004]. 


June 2023

Mobile app (v.2.30.24) | June 2023

New features and capabilities

Bookmark favorite training

The Favorites feature is now supported in the LMS365 mobile app [#26077]. Learners can now create their own personalized training experience by marking courses and training plans as favorites from the Catalog tab, the Training section of the Dashboard tab, training pages, and the LMS365 course player.

From the Training section of the Dashboard tab, learners can select the heart icon to go to the Favorites page and get an overview of the training they've marked as favorite [#26480].


LMS365 (v.3.39) | June 26, 2023

New features and capabilities

Copy courses and training plans within the same catalog

Catalog admins can now quickly create e-learning and instructor-led courses, and training plans [#12718], by duplicating existing ones in the same course catalog. The Create course copy and Create training plan copy features are available on the Course/Training Plan panel [#12712].

This feature comes with in-product guidance in the form of teaching bubbles, which guide admins through the copy training process. This guidance is displayed in the LMS365 Admin Center for up to four weeks after an LMS365 update or until admins open the Course/Training Plan panel for the first time, whichever is sooner [#25249].


Bookmark favorite training

Learners can now create their own personalized training experience by marking courses and training plans as favorites from the course catalog page, the Training tab of My Training Dashboard, training pages, and the LMS365 course player [#23503].

From the Training tab of My Training Dashboard, learners can select Show my favorites to get an overview of the training they've marked as favorite [#25720].


Updates and enhancements

Audit trail

An updated UI for displaying audit records is introduced and you can now filter the audit trail to show and download logs related to specific events [#20411].

Some of the audit trail activity names have been enhanced [#26563].


Training plans

From this release onwards, the Duration (standard format) value of newly created training plans is automatically prepopulated with the combined total of the Duration (standard format) fields of all the courses included in this training plan [#18615].


My Training Dashboard

In the Assessments section of My Training Dashboard, supervisors no longer see assessment tasks for inactive courses [#26423], or for deleted or inactive learners [#26263].

If a supervisor currently has no assessments to review, the Assessments section of My Training Dashboard now displays a message [#25803].

Cosmetic enhancements have been introduced when approving assessments on My Training Dashboard [#26442].


LMS365 Admin Center

The Average rating column (the asterisk icon) on the Training Management page now displays a numerical value instead of stars [#25914].

The Number of users who marked this course or training plan as a favorite column (the heart icon) is introduced to the Training Management page [#25924].


Resolved issues

  • In a certain case, Course progress reset email notifications weren't being sent when a learner's course progress was cleared [#26355].
  • In a certain case, after a certificate was imported for instructor-led training with a single session, and attendance is registered, the Manage People section of the course configuration panel and the Register Attendance panel displayed incorrect information [#26155].
  • In a certain case, Certificate expiry reminder and Certificate expired notifications weren't being sent for imported certificates [#25544].

  • Special characters such as ä, ö, ü, and ß weren't displayed correctly in the {REQUEST MESSAGE} placeholder text in notifications [#26299].
  • Courses that met the search criteria in the Calendar View of the course catalog weren't being displayed [26495].
  • [API] In a certain case, courses in a deleted catalog couldn't be purged using the POST/odata/v2/Courses({Id})/Purge API endpoint [#25922].
  • [API] The error text that was displayed when using the PUT /odata/v2/Users API endpoint to update multiple values for the UserFieldsValues key is enhanced [#26503].


May 2023

LMS365 hotfix | May 29, 2023

Updates and enhancements

Audit trail

It's possible to track DirectoryObjectId in the Performed By data field in the audit trail report [#26138].


Resolved issues

In a certain case, the ascending and descending sort options didn't work in the List view on My Training Dashboard [#24836].

In certain cases, enrolling users to a training plan via an Azure Active Directory group could take more than 24 hours [#23060].

In the API key management section of Global Settings in the LMS365 Admin Center, an incorrect value was displayed in the Revoked By column for revoked and edited API keys. It was possible to edit a revoked API key [#25244].

[Microsoft Teams] In the LMS365 player, the Course Status page displayed an error instead of the course status [#25928].


LMS365 (v.3.38) | May 17, 2023

Updates and enhancements

The Course/Training Plan Progress panel

On the Course/Training Plan panel, the Actions panel is introduced to manage a learner's progress.[#23863].

The Force retake action is now available on the Course/Training Plan Progress panel for multiple or all learners selected [#23356]. This action is available from the newly introduced Actions panel on the Course/Training Plan Progress panel [#23864]. New pop-up notifications are introduced in the Notifications center to show the progress of the bulk forced retake [#24165].



The following new filters are introduced on the Course Progress dashboard, the Learner's Progress dashboard, and the Training plan dashboard: Status [#23858], Completed [#24177], and Certificates [#24178].


Subscription Information

The Organization State field is introduced in the Organization Information tab on the Subscription Information page when a country that has states is selected in the Organization Country field [#25421].


Integration connectors

In the Global Settings of the LMS365 Admin Center, from the Integration connectors panel, users can request an upgrade to their subscription plan [#24666].


Audit trail

The list of events in audit trail records was enriched [#24659].



Line managers will receive the Supervisor assigned or Supervisor unassigned notifications only once per hour when their the first or the last (respectively) of their direct reports is enrolled in/unenrolled from the course with the assessment the line manager is assigned for [#23216].



XML format is no longer supported for API responses, instead JSON is used [#24397].


LMS365 Admin Center

The Delete user's progress icon is renamed Clear progress and the icon is changed on the Learner's Progress dashboard and the the Course/Training Plan Progress dashboards.

Across LMS365, filter icons are now visible by default, instead of being visible only when hovering over them [#25122].


Resolved issues

  • When creating a session, the default session end date was incorrect [#24857].
  • After editing or deleting a session or session group, the Actions panel didn't close [#25203].
  • When creating a session from within a session group, the Create Session panel didn’t show the information message and contained the Enrollment deadline and Maximum attendees fields [#24973].
  • In certain cases, learners who are enrolled in an e-learning course received multiple enrollment notifications [#24803].
  • In a certain case, a learner could complete a course without completing all the required SCORM packages [#24559].
  • In certain cases, when a course was manually completed, learners received duplicate certificates [#25152].
  • [Microsoft Teams] In a certain case, SCORM packages wouldn’t load correctly in the LMS365 player and individual elements weren't displayed after loading [#24479].
  • [API] In certain cases, it wasn’t possible to update the session time with the Put/odata/v2/Courses({id})/CourseSessions({courseSessionId}) API endpoint request [#24480].
  • [API] In certain cases, the response body to API requests didn't contain the categories of the imported courses or certificates for external training [#24621].
  • [The LMS365 mobile app] SCORM content packages failed to open in the LMS365 mobile app [#24727].
  • [The LMS365 mobile app] The retake option wasn’t displayed for instructor-led courses with the Allow enrollment without session registration option enabled, and that have no available active standalone sessions or session groups [#24837].
  • [The LMS365 mobile app] Points scored for quiz answers were updated only when moving to the next quiz question [#25284].
  • [The LMS365 mobile app] In session groups, sessions with an end date in the past weren’t shown to the session instructors [#24967].


LMS365 hotfix | May 3, 2023

Resolved issues

When viewing a learner's attempt on a quiz, a maximum of 30 quiz questions were displayed [#25252].


April 2023

LMS365 hotfix | April 27, 2023

Updates and enhancements

Audit trail

The list of events in audit trail records was enriched [#24839].



The performance of the My Training Dashboard page was improved [#24630].


Resolved issues

In some instances, the web parts of the Course Catalog page [#24760] and the My Training Dashboard page [#24762] were loading slowly.

The POST/odata/v2/Certificates({Id})/Reissue LMS365 API endpoint couldn't be used to reissue certificates for deleted courses or users [#24970].


LMS365 hotfix | April 10, 2023

Resolved issues

In some instances, the LMS365 tenant provisioning step failed [#24861].

The localization of the Polish, Macedonian, Russian, and Italian language versions of the Minimum Attendance for Completion field of the course configuration panel split across two lines instead of one [#24709].

[Accessibility] On the Sessions section of the instructor-led training home page, the screen reader didn't read the start and end dates of a session group [#24740].

In a certain case, the “Oops something went wrong” error displayed when editing course progress took up most of the panel [#24809].


Mobile app (v.2.28.18) | April 2023

Updates and enhancements

Instructor-led training

Session group cards display the names of the instructors who are assigned for the nested sessions [#23402].



Links in a set of notifications were updated to redirect to the relevant place inside the application [#22778].


Resolved issues

  • [iOS] The Login button didn't work in the LMS365 course player when opening an embed item in a learning module [#23557].
  • Acquired certificates weren't displayed under Certificates when redirecting to the course home page from the certificate's card [#19947].
  • Acquired certificates for a training plan were unavailable for download without refreshing the Dashboard tab [#19948].
  • The Certificates diagram showed no acquired certificate and an incomplete status for a completed course when registering attendance by scanning a QR code outside the app to complete the course [#16481].


LMS365 (v.3.37) | April 3, 2023

New features and capabilities

Audit trail

The new Audit trail feature records actions performed by learners and admins in LMS365. LMS admins can download logged activities over a date range. This feature is released in preview mode and is part of the LMS365 Professional and Select subscriptions. The structure and content of signals may change in subsequent releases. [#23339].


Instructor-led training

When managing sessions of instructor-led training, you can now choose to create a new group, into which you can add a selection of sessions [#19384]

These sessions will be bundled into one group and learners will be registered as participants in this group of sessions, rather than in individual sessions [#19383].

The names of the enrollment types have changed to reflect the new enrollment options. Enroll user into a single course session enrollment type is renamed Single group or standalone sessionEnroll user into multiple course sessions is renamed Multiple groups or standalone sessions, and Enroll user into all course sessions is renamed All groups and standalone session [#19575].


Updates and enhancements

Course catalog page

A new filter on the course catalog page called Session locations enables users to filter the view based on the location where sessions of a course will take place [#22272].


Course calendar

In the Calendar View, users can now select the work week view. Selecting this view removes any days from the calendar that aren’t business days in the relevant region [#20327].

The Calendar View now reflects the region saved in the browser settings [#13514].


Microsoft Viva Learning integration

At individual course level, course admins can choose which courses will be available from Viva Learning, using the Show in Viva Learning toggle in course settings [#16892].

Admins can now filter the list of courses on the Training Management page to get an overview of which courses are or aren't featured in Viva Learning [#16895].

If you change the Display Name on the Viva Learning panel, the new select Save and close drop-down item enables you to save your changes and return to the Integration connectors panel [#20293].


Course deletion

When a course is deleted in LMS365, its documents, files, and home page in SharePoint are now moved to the SharePoint recycle bin and can be restored. However, the course itself and the SharePoint Learners and Owners groups associated with it are deleted and can't be restored [#22206].


The learners’ quiz details UI is redesigned and enhanced

We've redesigned how learner details are presented regarding quizzes and responses to questions so admins get a clearer view of how learners responded to individual quiz questions. The redesigned UI is available via the View learners’ details action in a quiz [#20768].


Integration connectors

The redesigned Integration connectors panel in Global Settings keeps the same features as before, but now has a more streamlined look and feel [#22963].


Resolved issues

  • For quizzes with the Allow navigation and Timer options enabled, the quiz timer didn't start until the first question was answered, meaning learners could navigate between questions without using any of the allowed time [#23400].
  • When adding an embed code for a video to a learning module, the preview of the video filled the entire panel, meaning it wasn't possible to enter anything in the Embed code section [#23260].
  • Course admins experienced an error when saving changes to a question pool that was created and reassigned to them by a catalog admin [#23841].
  • It wasn't possible to sort the information on the Training Management page of the LMS365 Admin Center by the Average rating column [#24109].
  • If you returned to opened content in the LMS365 course player after a short period of inactivity, the "Sorry, something went wrong" error was displayed [#23784].
  • [Teams] Files that have the a-umlaut character (ä) in the filename were opened in the WOPI player instead of the OneDrive player [#23876].
  • When a user's manager changed after the user enrolled in a course, the original manager continued to receive assessment assignment and cancellation notifications [#23882].
  • It was possible to create a session request when the Request(s) for Sessions option for the course was disabled [#23176].


March 2023

LMS365 hotfix | March 22, 2023

Updates and enhancements

Performance enhancements have been introduced when loading the Training Management page [#23267].


Resolved issues

Answers to gap fill quiz questions were marked as incorrect if they contained the ß character or a character with an umlaut [#24332].


LMS365 hotfix | March 21, 2023

Resolved issues

When filtering the Line Manager Dashboard by Direct Reports' Subordinates, assessments weren't being displayed or counted, and subordinates weren't grouped under their respective line managers [#23266].

Line managers couldn't approve assessments for direct reports' subordinates [#24051].

In the LMS365 Admin Center, the course progress dashboard displayed a different progress percentage for courses with no learning items, depending on whether the course was completed via the LMS365 API or manually via the LMS365 course management functionality [#24051].

[Mobile] When using the LMS365 app for Teams on your mobile device, course cards on the Catalog tab didn't load when selected and they weren't responsive [#23263].


Mobile app hotfix (v.2.27.61) | March 17, 2023

Resolved issues

Quiz answers that were input via the LMS365 mobile app weren't registered in the system [#23793].

A quiz that was started in the LMS365 mobile app failed to open when users tried to continue it [#23354].


LMS365 hotfix | March 9, 2023

Resolved issues

In some cases, users experienced an issue where they couldn't submit quiz answers [#23702].

Localization was missing for a small amount of text [#23808].

In some cases, users failed to connect to Microsoft Viva Learning [#23722].

In the LMS365 course player, users who were assigned as supervisors via the line manager role couldn't see their name when viewing assessments when they were their own line manager [#23357].


February 2023

Mobile app hotfix (v.2.27.56) | February 28, 2023

Resolved issues

[iOS] The login option failed to work in the LMS365 course player when taking embed items in learning modules [#23557].


LMS365 hotfix | February 28, 2023

Resolved issues

[Teams] Users experienced a long loading of the learning module and content files when opening them the first time after login [#21632].


Mobile app (v.2.27.53) | February 2023

Updates and enhancements


Assessments can be filtered by user’s name, assessment title, and course title [#21410].

Supervisors can provide feedback for the learner when approving an assessment [#21956] and separately send an email to the learner to provide their comments by selecting the relevant user [#21957].


Resolved issues

[Android] The window asking for permissions to send notifications didn’t appear after installing and running the LMS365 mobile app [#22381].


LMS365 (v.3.36) | February 20, 2023

New features and capabilities

Course calendar

A new option—Calendar View —is introduced to the course catalog page. Selecting the Calendar View icon, users get an overview of available sessions of instructor-led training in the catalog [#18736].


Training schedule display in a shared calendar

A new option is introduced to enable the automatic sharing of planned training sessions with an organization's shared calendar directly in Outlook. This option is configured using the Share course sessions to organization calendar toggle under Microsoft 365 Connection Settings.


Contacts to receive LMS365 communications

To ensure that important information about LMS365 always reaches the appropriate people in your organization, we've introduced the option to manage the people we'll email regarding critical business information, critical technical information, and information relating to renewals and upgrades [#4667]. These key contacts can be added and managed in the Subscription Information section of the Global Settings [#21267].


Updates and enhancements

Course catalog page

A new filter on the course catalog page called Course Session Instructors enables users to retrieve an overview of courses with sessions that are led by a particular instructor [#20577].



With this release, assessments are managed from the new Assessments section on My Training Dashboard. This menu item is visible only to users who are assigned as supervisors of assessments [#21046]. The Assessments section has two filters that enable supervisors to filter the list by learners or courses. 

It's now possible for users with the line manager role to be added as a supervisor to ensure that each learner's line manager will be automatically tasked with evaluating their assessments [#21122]. Line managers can review assessments from the Line Manager Dashboard [#21732].

An email notification—Assessment Reviewed—is sent to learners when the status of their assessment changes, e.g. when it's been approved by the supervisor [#22278].


Microsoft Viva Learning integration

From this release, the built-in Viva Learning integration will be available for customers with a Professional or Select subscription to LMS365 [#19915]. Existing Standard subscribers already connected to Viva Learning will be disconnected with this release.

The Preview label on the Viva Learning integration configuration page in LMS365 is deprecated [#22523].


Content Package Storage

When toggled on, a new option in Content Package Settings called Auto save progress when closing a SCORM ensures that a user’s progress or completion status is recorded correctly if they navigate away from the current SCORM package [#23138].


API management

The following API endpoints are now available in the TrainingPlans section of the LMS365 API [#15328]:

GET /odata/v2/TrainingPlans({id})/Courses. Gets all courses of the training plan with related parameters.

GET /odata/v2/TrainingPlans({id})/Course({courseId}). Gets a single course of the training plan with related parameters.

POST /odata/v2/TrainingPlans({id})/Courses({courseId}). Adds a course to the training plan.

DELETE /odata/v2/TrainingPlans({id})/Courses({courseId}). Excludes a course from the training plan.

PATCH /odata/v2/TrainingPlans({id})/Courses({courseId}). Patches a course in training plan.


Microsoft Teams 

In Microsoft Teams, the order of tabs in changed to the following: Learn, Dashboard, Catalog, Chat, Manage, About [#21417]. 


The question statistics UI is redesigned and enhanced

The UI of the quiz question statistics is updated to align with the new UI of the quiz editor [#17908].


LMS365 product UI

The colors that indicate statuses across LMS365 have been standardized [#20440].



Webinar-related notification templates are removed from the Notification section [#19820].


Resolved issues

A missing symbol in the {COURSE TITLE} variable of the Instructor-Led Training Scheduled - Appointment Invite notification template is fixed for the Polish localization [#22630].

A score achieved for a SCORM was displayed as a percentage in the downloaded SCORM report [#19866].

In a certain case, the Teams chatbot didn't respond to commands [#22512].

In a specific case, the Approve Enrollments panel of a course was empty even though there were pending approvals [#22625].

In a certain case, the Training Management page failed to load after importing a large number of courses [#22635].

In certain cases, users who were unenrolled from a course retained one or more active enrollments in the course [#21395 and #22646].

In a specific case, documents uploaded to a learning module weren't available in the LMS365 app in Microsoft Teams or on a mobile device [#14454].

In a certain case, learners could continue to take a quiz if they exceeded the maximum time allowed [#21375].

[Teams] In a certain case, the list of courses in a catalog was continuously loading [#20761].

[Teams] In a certain case, files added as course content from the SharePoint document library weren't available in the desktop Teams app [#23080].


January 2023

LMS365 hotfix | January 31, 2023

Updates and enhancements

We've migrated over Adobe's new modern PDF viewer [#22684].


LMS365 hotfix | January 19, 2023

Updates and enhancements

When importing two or more Go1 courses at a time, the Notifications on the Training Management page now displays only the import progress bar, without any message text [#22019]. 


Resolved issues

[API] In a certain case, the PATCH /odata/v2/CourseCatalogs({Id}) API endpoint used to update the URL of a catalog caused all learning modules in the catalog to retain the old catalog's URL in their properties [#20925].

[API] The PATCH Course({Id}) API endpoint used to update a course caused the following options to become disabled: Show as Mandatory, Assignments & Grade Book, Request(s) for Sessions, Maximum Attendees (for instructor-led training of the Enroll user in all course sessions enrollment type) [#21624].

In some cases, creating a course completion set failed because the system executed the Set Target Audience command when the Training Audience Targeting option was disabled for the course [#20803].

In some cases, users experienced issues when loading Go1 courses in the Import Go1 courses panel [#22018].

In certain cases, importing free Go1 courses resulted in several duplicates being created for each free course and in other cases, the import failed [#21374].

In certain cases, users experienced the "Invalid Image type" error when trying to upload a certificate for imported external training [#22158].

In certain cases, SCORM content packages failed to open in the LMS365 player and a MIME-type error was displayed [#21369].


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